Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bloggers Block

I blame the weather. With several consecutive beautiful days, I have not been inspired to blog.

But I did overhear a high school freshman articulate several spoon fed arguments favoring the referendum. He knew about the declining tax rate and threats to sports and teacher positions. He was providing this info to his parents and a friend of theirs, and it was apparent that he learned it in school. The indoctrination continues.

On an entirely unrelated subject, I was sparring with a blogger named Poor Richard recently regarding the upcoming constitutional ammendment question concerning gay marriage. Poor Richard was a bit hostile as I questioned the claim that ammendment itself would be unconstitutional because of ammendment #1 "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." I think that a law banning gay marriage is substantially different from establishing a religion, but that is not my point here. After a bit of jostling with Poor Richard, I indicated that I was unlikely to vote in favor of the ammendment. I was then applauded by Poor Richard, who indicated that he was glad that I was "open minded". My conclusion is that anyone can be described as "open minded". All you have to do is agree with a liberal.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

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