Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Help Is On The Way

Tonight was a great night! I attended a meeting at Gateway concerning the issue of school vouchers. State Representative Robin Vos was the guest speaker. The meeting was attended by about twenty people, many having a connection with St. Catherine High School. The purpose of the meeting, it seemed, was to discuss the means by which a voucher program, like the one in Milwaukee, could be brought to Racine. There was no outcome from this meeting, other than a commitment to move forward. It is not at all clear what the next move will be, but at some point an effort to educate the public will be a big part of the plan. Bringing vouchers to Racine will not be easy. Expect a long and needlessly divisive struggle. But it is a struggle worth undertaking. This effort really is "for the children."


  1. As a member of the Lutheran High Board of Directors, I will be watching this all closely.

  2. Preacherboy: My hope is that you will do more than watch. A voucher program would allow parents a greater number of educational choices, including religious based education. We will need educated, committed individuals like yourself to make the case for greater freedom in education. I would love to meet you sometime to discuss the merits and challenges of school vouchers.

  3. A voucher program would allow parents a greater number of educational choices.

    Wow OMG what a great idea. sarcism there ha ha And Diamond soon to be former Gov.Doyle, the left wingnut running against Robin and of course the really far left Lehman are where on this issue??? MIA or AWOL take your choice
