Friday, September 08, 2006

McReynolds Update

In a recent entry I entitled "Bumpergate", I sent a letter to Bill McReynolds, seeking more information about the controversy surrounding his involvement in a company that sold push bumpers to the Racine County Sheriffs Department while he was the Sheriff. I promised to share his response with readers. I have not heard directly from McReynolds, but I have heard from his campaign director Jay Risch, via e-mail. Jay has been helpful providing some information, and he also suggested that McReynolds would gladly meet with me to discuss the matter. I accepted the invitation and indicated some times in which I would be available to meet with McReynolds at his preferred location. It was tentatively agreed that we would meet some time today, and that we should keep in touch. I have cleared my schedule and have kept in touch, but it is now Friday and I have not heard back from Risch or McReynolds. I know that their computer is functioning properly, as I have received a press release that boasts that McReynolds has worn through one pedometer already as he walks to meet with voters. I, too, would like to meet with McReynolds. He can rest his weary feet. I will meet where it is convenient for him. I will continue to pursue the meeting with McReynolds, and I will post on the results of the meeting.

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