Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Planning Miracles

Is anyone else amused by Racine's upcoming health care referendum? The question is whether you would like the legislators to come up with a plan to reduce the cost of health care by 15% while also ensuing that everyone is offered affordable health insurance. While they are at it, I think they should come up with a plan to raise the average temperature in Wisconsin to 65 degrees, reduce precipitation to zero, while ensuring greater agricultural output.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I read an article once that stated the big challenge in healthcare was that there are three goals: universal access, lower costs, and the ability to pick one's own doctor. The article concluded the healthcare system can make any two of the three work, but not all three. I've been away from state politics for a long time so I'm not sure how these referenda are used? Vent opportunity, feel good vote, or ammunition for proposals?

  2. I can't imagine that it is possible to provide universal health coverage while lowering costs. If you could direct me to the article you are referring to, please do so. Regarding the purpose of this referedum, I think it could be a mix of all three. And its passage would be used by Democrats to justify any and all meddling in the health care sector.

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Web address to the column I refer to follows (Robert J. Samuelson, Newsweek, Jan 2006): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11061124/site/newsweek/

  4. Definitely a feel good vote!

    If they really wanted to do something about healthcare, I believe that Health Saving Accounts should be encouraged for all-starting with publicly paid employees.

    Having a high-deductible will help eliminate a lot of unnecessary doctor visits.

    If one is responsible for a greater portion of their medical costs, I sure the cost of everyone's medical coverage would go down. Not to mention having a HSA may give one greater control over their health care decisions is better than being in a cookie-cutter HMO.

  5. Eric, thank you for the info. I read the article, and I agree. While it is possible to offer excellent health care to all people, the bill would be huge. We want it all, but are not willing to pay for it. It is a fantasy world that many of us live in. "Let the rich guys pay for it", as though that would not have adverse consequences for our economy.

    Brenda, you are absolutely right about HSA's. They are great. They are the "vouchers" of health care, as in that they are a kind of reform that would work.

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I don't find anything amusing about health care.

  7. Kathy. Just so there in no misunderstanding, I am not suggesting that health care and/or any problems associated with it are amusing. What is amusing is the idea that we should ask our politicians, via a referendum, to perform an impossible task.

  8. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I know that. I guess I was being a little sarcastic because the whole health care issue sickens me.
