Monday, October 02, 2006

Vouching for Immorality

Are school vouchers immoral? Yes, according to Joe Kieman of Racine. He had this to say in a recent JT editorial: "Vos (State Rep Robin Vos) and his radical buddies also wish to destroy the life-force that drives a community's a state's and a country's economic engine; namely, its public education system. They support unbridled support and expansion of voucher schools that would further sap funds from public schools. This would lead to a dual school system of those children left behind in underfunded dilapidated public schools, while those in voucher and charter schools would thrive. This also is immoral."

Kieman realizes that vouchers would result in students leaving the public schools for better educational oportunities. Though by his own admission those students would thrive, he believes that this would be immoral because the students left behind would be in underfunded and dilapidated schools. If vouchers are immoral, (despite the increased number of thriving students) because of a resulting decrease in public school children and public dollars for public education, then we must conclude that private schooling is also immoral for the same reasons.

Thus, according to Kieman, schools that remove the study of morality from their curriculum are moral, while religious schools that emphasize morality are immoral. The study of religion is immoral while avoiding such study is moral. More students thriving is immoral, while large numbers of students underperforming in public schools is moral. Voters that support Vos are immoral, because he supports a distribution of public funds that would result in more thriving students. Additional choices for parents are immoral, while having fewer educational options is moral. Parents taking charge of their childs education is immoral, while parents who accept a subpar public education are moral.

I send my child to a private school. I support school vouchers for all children. I will strongly support any effort by Robin Vos to bring school vouchers to Racine. And I would be honored if Kieman considered me immoral.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Well written with air tight logic as usual.
    I love when these people write to the paper and reveil how they think, or rather don't think. Now we just need to get Vos and others to actually do something about implementing a voucher program instead of just supporting it in word.

  2. Hey Wade. You are right that we need Vos and others to implement a voucher program. And this is where I get discouraged by politicians. Though many understand the benefits that vouchers would bring, few will risk their political careers pursuing such a goal. This will not change until politicians fear the average voter as much as they fear the teachers union. Politicians tend not to lead. They will follow only when it is safe to do so. It will become safer only when public opinion begins to change. And this is where citizens like you and I can make an impact, by talking about the issue to people who either don't know what vouchers are, or who have yet to hear coherent arguments in there favor. Now I don't wish to condemn all politicians. Greg Helding of the city council is a brilliant and courageous public servant.

  3. You ARE immoral, Denis, for supporting excellent schools. And I bet you torture small animals and children too.

    You should be ashamed of yourself...

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "brilliant and courageous public servant." I appreciate the compliment. I am just trying to do what I think is best for the City of Racine. If enough people agree with me, I will continue to serve.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence.

  5. Greg, I hope you realize that I am very glad that you are on the city council. I think you are a voice of reason amid the insanity. As such, I will probably be especially disappointed on those occasions when I think you are wrong, like on the payday loan/pawn shop controversies. Being in elected office is not easy, I am sure. It is simply impossible to please everyone. I will argue with you and other politicians because as I think an engaged public will result in better public policy. I believe that you can take some heat without taking it personally. This is a wonderful quality for a person, whether a politician or not. Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi Brenda. I miss your blog. And yes, I have come out in favor of child abuse and neglect. Read my entry "Extreme Equality." I have yet to register an opinion on animal torture.

  7. Denis,

    Thanks for the kind words. After an extended and unexpected break, I have returned to the blogosphere.

    I have missed it, but have very very busy helping my son being indoctrinated into RUSD's social engineering program.
