Monday, November 13, 2006

Drinking While Black

I attended the License and Welfare Committee meeting this evening as I am interested in seeing how the city intends to handle the blatant violations of the law which occurred at the City Haul Lounge. After much wrangling, the committee voted to pursue due process hearings, which could result in a suspended or revoked license for the owner, Leonard Hand.

While I think the committee made the right decision, I am more intrigued by one aspect of Hand's defense. Hand has now stated repeatedly that he will ensure that the problems, which include underaged drinking and gun possession, will be remedied, in part, by his decision to discontinue the playing of hip-hop music. It is quite clear, to me at least, that the word hip-hop is a kind of code for black. In other words, Hand seems to be saying that he will see to it that his bar will try to discourage black people (or at least the troublemaking black people) from frequenting his establishment. In fairness to Hand, this is not the first time I have heard prospective or embattled license holders swearing off hip-hop music. Swearing off hip-hop music is a popular strategy to gain favor with city council members. As an aside to Alderman Helding, a frequent reader of Free Racine, I am not suggesting that it is necessarily a winning strategy, only a popular one.

At any rate, in this day of hypersensitivity, I find it hard to believe that a white bar owner could say anything of the sort without angering some black people. I believe it was obvious to everyone in the room that Hand was delivering a coded message, telling the committee members that he will discourage young blacks from entering his bar. I would think some people would find this a bit upsetting. I do.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    As an extra note to this situation...after the committee meeting the committee members were threaten with political retribution by members of the Racine Tavern League. I was not there (and it is probably good thing I was not) but I got this information from a committee member who was there. Is this the purpose of the Tavern League? I don't know. Even if they want to influence politicians to be favorable to tavern owners should they be trying to influence an on going legal investigation.

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    why does this thing list 0 comments when I clearly commented?

  3. Sounds pretty sleazy as you describe it. I think it would be great to out this kind of behavior. Too bad there isn't a newspaper in town.

  4. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Ha! no newspaper in town, that's rich.

  5. Hey Wade, thanks for the plug on the JT site.
