Sunday, November 05, 2006

Out of the Muck

I have been asked, privately, to help spread info that could be damaging to a local candidate running for office. There is some damning evidence, it seems, but all in all it feels like the kind of last minute political dirt spreading that I find quite distasteful. I will not be spreading this information for three reasons. The accusations seem somewhat petty. There is not much time for the candidate to credibly respond to the charges. And most importantly, I will not let Free Racine become a forum for partisan hackery.


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Enough is enough is enough. Thank you, Denis for not participating in, and stooping to sling the mud. I personally will be glad when this election is over.

  2. I appreciate this too, Denis.

  3. I too chose to ignore a similar request, wonder if it is the same one?

  4. Brenda, for some reason I am unable to post on your blog unless I do so anonymously. Thought you might like to know that.

  5. Denis,

    I double-checked my comment options. I them set to accept comments from all; I know I have had comments from "registered" bloggers.

    It appears my comment setting is the same as yours.

  6. Thanks Brenda. The problem is likely the result of my complete incompetence in tech related matters.
