Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bloggers Exposed

I met preachrboy today in the receiving (departing?) line after accepting his invitation to attend his church service at Grace Lutheran Church. He mentioned that he had met another blogger recently and thought it might be fun to get together for coffee and conversation. I had been thinking about this anyway, and would love to meet any and all visitors and contributors to FreeRacine. Of course, for some of us, we would risk losing our anonymity. I would love to hear from you all on this subject especially. Would you like to get together, or do you prefer to keep intact your anonymous status? I envision a gathering at Java Vino, a smoke free coffee shop that also serves wine. I might even be persuaded to purchase the first drink or two for attendees. But first, I must know if you think the idea has any merit. Let me know. Denis.


  1. It depends, Denis, if it's one... or two drinks!

    Just kidding. Seriously. I'm there.

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Denis, this is is Scott. i hope you remember me. I've stumbled across your blog while surfing and made a previous post to your Get Whitey Tax and was hoping for your feedback on my post. Their was no response so i decided to copy and paste to this first post hoping you'd see it. I've found out amazingly interesting to have conversations with someone who thinks completely opposite of your own ideals, so i look forward to your response. Below was my post regarding the Whitey Tax...

    Reading this post was truly scary in my opinion. And it showed me that this country's power brokers are fighting tooth and nail to keep this country as pale-skinned as humanly possible. Discrimination against whites? If that isnt' the most ludricus thing i've heard of in my natural life. White people, from a global perspective are overwhelmingly the minority in the world population, but yet run and control practicley everything that the world sees, hears, buys, builds, governs, plays, and much much more. The US is one of the youngest countries in the entire world, but yet the US is by far the most powerful. Non pale skinned US citizens have been discriminated against since Christopher Columbus "discovered America". These discriminated groups include american-indians, east-indians, chinese, japanese, mexican, african-americans, native africans, even the irish, and that's just to get the list started. White people are quickly becoming the minority in the US now, particularly with the exponentially growing hispanic population and it is evident that white people are fighting it every step of the way by doing what they have historically done, that is changing federal, state and local laws to maintain their power positions and minimize the opportunity for large numbers of people of color of advancing and competing with them for these power positions. With this said, I support the "tax whitey" initiative as Denis calls it, as it is an extremely small step in helping to get more faces of color amongst the population of US powerbrokers and decision-makers.

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I am cool with it as long as you don't tell me you thought I was a Black person.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    My favorite drink ... free! Say when.

    PS - I don't disagree with Scott's conclusion, but some of his worldview baffles me. Since I don't know the original context of this discussion, I'll stop now.

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Are you sure you really want to do this Denis? :) It sounds like fun. Can I invite Brenda?

  6. Let's plan this get-together after the New Year, ok?

  7. Thanks all. OK, we will do this after the new year. Perhaps 6pm on a weekday sometime in January? I think this could be fun. Oh and anon/Scott, thanks for your post. I will address it some other time perhaps. I just got home from a business trip and am too tired to think.

  8. Thanks for all the comments everyone. I will address them at greater length tommorrow. I just got back in town and am a bit tired now.

  9. To anon/Scott. I will respond to your post on the initial "Get Whitey Tax" blog which can be found by searching the August archives. Thanks for letting me know that you responded, as I was not aware of it.
