Wednesday, December 13, 2006

For Your Amusement

My brother is an economist in Washington DC. He sent me the following e-mail:

I've been reviewing some applications from newly minted PhDs. Highlights from the applicants so far: Names have been changed to protect the innocent(s)

Cover letters:
I have also substantially improved my communication skills by actively joining the renounced speech club, "Toastmaster International"
I also have a diverse level of written communication skills.

From the Recommendation letters:
Matt's paper makes two important contributions. First is a policy contribution, but second is a significant mythological contribution on problems with measurement error in imputing tax prices.

And my favorite in the raised eyebrow department:
Susan has large, positive externalities....These externalities explain why I have latched onto her as my primary co-author.

Sorry but I can not attach a photo of Susan's large positive externalities.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Wow! If only UW would give free tutition to these scholars if they agree to live in the state.

  2. Or if they agree to live in another state.
