Wednesday, January 24, 2007

FreeRacine Meeting Enjoyed by Host

I didn't know what to expect from the first ever in person meeting of FreeRacine readers and contributors. And I don't know if it would be quite right to give any specific details of the evening. There were about nine in attendance and, if I may be so bold, it seemed as though everyone enjoyed the evening. I would like to thank all who attended. I am flattered and honored that you read my rantings and have taken the time to meet in person. My only lament is that none of my detractors were in attendance.


  1. Denis,

    Thank you for hosting this event! I truly enjoyed the entire evening…even though I did miss half of the President’s speech. It was a great opportunity to put faces with the names.

    I look forward to the next event.

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Thanks for buying, and thanks for bringing back some of the good old straight forward mutually respectful political exchange I remember from my Wisconsin youth.

    Enjoyed meeting everyone!

  3. BTW…The reason people are having trouble with your links is due to the fact that there are too many /// at the end of the web address.

    For instance this is what your link for Preachrblog says:

    It should be:

    The google link is the only one that is correct.

    Just thought you should know.

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Almost showed up, but realized all of the conservatives in attendance would've ganged up on me, and tried forcing ideology down my throat. Like what happens in this blog. Too much for me at one time....besides the goof on tv was enough for one night.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Denis, I would have liked to stop and see the people who writes the blogs that I always read, but I watched the Prez instead. I probably would have twisted your arm to have you sign up for the Dactyls again.

    Jack 44

  6. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Thank you Denis for putting this event together, and for your hospitality.

    I too enjoyed meeting everyone. Its always interesting for me to hear other people's perspectives on different issues. The conversation was great! Everyone was respectful, real gentlemen. I'd like to thank all of you for that. It was worth a night away from the kids!!

  7. Amen. Nice to have met you all. I too enjoyed the conversation. Let's do it again sometime!

  8. Amen. Nice to have met you all. I too enjoyed the conversation. Let's do it again sometime!

  9. Amen. Nice to have met you all. I too enjoyed the conversation. Let's do it again sometime!

  10. Thanks again all. I would love to get together again.
