Sunday, January 07, 2007

Religion Tour #7, Unitarians/Secular Progressives

I didn't go to church today, but I went to the Unitarian church several times starting about a year ago. I was initially drawn to them because of their claims of tolerance, open mindedness, and their interest in political matters. After a few visits, I began to wonder just what it is that they believed in. Their sermons quite often incorporated viewpoints and or teachings from numerous religions. Over time, I realized that the teachings from the various religions would support the very leftist agenda of the congregants. I concluded, perhaps unfairly, that this religion, at least as it is practiced in Racine, is the religion of liberalism. On my last visit to the Unitarian Church, the Pastor Tony Larsen directed the congregants to hold hands and loudly sing "I am a gay American." The reason given was to support those homosexuals who could not otherwise comfortably declare their sexual orientation. I was uncomfortable with this song, not because I am heterosexual, but because the song was a lie.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    What were you unhappy about?

  2. Why does it seem to suprise so many people that Unitarians tend to be left-leaning?

  3. Did I say I was unhappy? Also, I wasn't surprised by the political leanings of the Unitarians. Welcome axinar. Who is the baby in the picture?

  4. I have joked that Rev. Larsen is the "anti-me". I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I just can't imagine much on which we would agree.

  5. Anonymous8:45 AM

    You stated that you did not want to claim to be a gay American because that would be a lie. You are an American correct. So I assume the lie would be that you are not gay. So you must have been unhappy.
    Also, I did not know you had connections to the WPPD.

  6. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "tend to be left-leaning"
    That is sort of a light way of discriping unitarians.

  7. To anonymous, are you saying that only gays can be happy? And, what are you talking about re the WPPD?

  8. Well that song was by no means the only lie that you will hear in a Unitarian Church. In fact, the fundamentalist atheist "Humanist" minister of the Unitarian Church of Montreal quite justifiably pronounced in the UCM's newsletter that it was "false advertising" to call it a "church". Another atheist "Humanist" member of this alleged Unitarian "Church", Queen's Counsel lawyer Kenneth Howard QC, followed up with a letter to the editor that correctly pointed out that not only was it "false advertising" to describe the Unitarian Church of Montreal as a "church" but that it was equally false and misleading to call it Unitarian since the word "Unitarian" traditionally means belief in one God. . .

    Many Unitarian aka U*U claims in their propaganda are highly misleading. In fact the claims about tolerance and open mindedness are belied by the fact that a significant number of atheist Unitarians are of the intolerant militant species of dogmatic atheist who go out of their way to make life miserable for God believing people. Likewise, people who are not in line with a leftist agenda may find themselves rather less than welcome in so-called Welcoming Congregations. Most ironically gay Americans who believe in God feel considerably less than genuinely welcome in some so-called "Welcoming Congregations" where anti-Christian or more broadly anti-religious intolerance and bigotry is quite welcome. . .

  9. Great post Emerson. While I found most congregants friendly, I can safely say that my conservative/libertarian ideas were not welcome by some that I spoke with. I have since joked that many of the UU's are open minded and tolerant of all things liberal.

  10. Exactly. U*Us are oh so "tolerant" if you toe the U*U party line but if your religious beliefs, or indeed your political convictions, do not fit their not so genuinely liberal pseudo-liberal mind-set U*U "tolerance" evaporates very quickly. One need only browse U*U internet forums to see plenty of evidence of this and other forms of U*U hypocrisy.
