Friday, March 09, 2007

Progressively More Hate Filled

"I've always wondered how many of these religious right wingers have one hand down their pants while they're typing out their own fantasies as things to issue Christian jihads on."

That lovely quote belongs to Racine Democratic Party activist Kay of Kay apparently is also campaigning for Ken Hall for county executive. I like Ken Hall, even though we may well differ substantially on political matters. Even so, I hope he has the good sense to distance himself from his progressively more hate filled supporters.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    The hateful blogging by some of Hall's supporters is not helping his cause at all. Bitter, spiteful, hateful.....I don't want to be a part of it and I consider myself to be a liberal.

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Kay is trying to play Ann Coulter to the self congratulatory little liberal coven that visits her blog.

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Denis, are you kidding? I had several communications with Mr. Hall about this same exact notion, months ago. I actually gave him specific expamples of what Kay has been saying and doing that I found extremely underhanded and unethical. I explain to him that I was very upset because if he continued to allow her to be his mouth piece I would not be supportive of him. He apparently didn't take my advise or Kay is doing it against his wishes. This pains me because I know Racine County needs a new CE, but I can't support Mr. Hall. I will not cast a vote in this contest because I can't support either candidate.

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I guess I should have included a name at the bottom so you won't get the anons confused. Sorry. Consider the second anon post as anon2. How original.

  5. No, anon2 I am not kidding, nor am I aware of conversations that anonymous people like yourself may have had, months ago, with Ken Hall. If what you say is true, and Hall welcomes the support of people like Kay, then Hall has some explaining to do. Of course, I tend not to automatically believe the assertions of anonymous bloggers. I am sure that you understand that anon2.

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I know for a fact Ken Hall reads the blogs, and I have seen Hall and Kay together talking more than once. They often attend the same informal political breakfast together once a month. He has to be fully aware of what's going on, and has had ample opportunity to ask her to stop if he wanted to.

    I don't know if he has asked her to stop or not, but she's still spewing away on the blogs. I'd suspect he must be fine with it.

    I am remaining anonymous because I have to, (I am the 1st anonymous who posted on this thread) but I am not making anything up.

  7. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Denis it was a figure of speech. I know you aren't kidding. I also know you aren't aware of my communications with Mr. Hall, since the only person I have discussed them with until today was my husband. Feel free to ask Mr. Hall about my comment. The communications I had with Mr. Hall where I expressed my concerns about his affiliations with Kay was in the middle of January, so it was a little less than two months ago.

    And to go one step further...I also left a comment for Kay on her blog letting her know how I feel, but she deleted the comment.

    I don't want Mr. McReynolds re-elected, but I also don't want someone who has aligned himself with someone as repulsive as Kay elected either. So, I have decided to let God deal with it. I can only hope if Mr. Hall gets elected he will distance himself from Kay and her clique.


  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    This is something I clipped and pasted from the Journal Times Blogs. There is a conversation going on between a Wind Lake business woman and Kay regarding the forum that took place last week with McReynolds and Hall. Apparently Kay sat next to Mrs. Hall during the forum:

    "I saw you sitting next to Hall's wife, and even overheard you snickering and jabbing McReynolds to each other under your breath. You two were quite the pair!"

    Anonymous #1

  9. Anon 1 and 2. It is reassuring that you both, liberals and/or people not enthralled with Mac, will withhold support for Hall because of concerns about the character of his supporters. It speaks well of your character and ethics. Whichever side of the political divide we are on, we need more people like you.

  10. You know, Denis, you really are the one who is hate filled. You have posted something I wrote in response to another comment and the thread was on religious zealots who seem to fixate on sex more than on poverty, hunger, war, and a miriad of real "Christian" issues.
    You also come over to my blog and post something snarky here and there and because you don't get the response you are looking for you go away unhappy.
    You anon posters make me sick! One of you attends "the" breakfast? Well, then you know damn well that breakfast is considered confidential and who's there and what's discussed is no wonder you don't post your name. You just showed yourself as someone who doesn't honor the other attendees and you wouldn't be welcome back there if you are found out. Shame on you.

  11. Well Kay, if registering disgust at jokes about masturbating Christian jihadists makes me hate filled, then I am guilty as charged. Kay you are making more of a fool of yourself by the minute. You would be far better off if you would admit that, resolve to be more responsible, and move on. But it seems that you are digging in your heels. I doubt any of this is going to help your candidate of choice in the CE race.

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Interesting exchange on Blueracine Denis. So now you are responsible for doing something to Ken Hall.
    Amazingly enough Kay claims she didn't do any campaigning for Ken Hall when she asked me personally to donate money to him. The only losers here are the citizens of Racine County once again. What the in world is in the water?? Anon2

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Ken Hall is going to get his electoral ass kicked and no lefty bloggers can stop it. It is pure demographics, people.
