Friday, April 27, 2007

Mob Rule at Unified

Democracy is a dangerous form of government. In a pure democracy, 51% of voters could agree to murder the remaining 49%. The democratic mob must be restrained.

One way to restrain the potentially harmful effects of democracy is to ensure that a minority has rights. The right to live, the right to own property, the right to vote, the right to free speech etc... are among the rights afforded to us whether we are in the majority or not.

Unfortunately, the majority of Racine Unified board members seek to do away with some fundamental rights that most of us take for granted.

The board is attemting to prevent dissenting board members from criticizing the school district, the superintendent (at the superintendents request) and other board members. They also seek to ensure that a majority of board members must agree before an item will be on the agenda for public discussion. The rights of free speech and the right to petition government are apparently a nuisance to the majority of our school board.

If there was truth in advertising, the slogan for the next referendum would be "Shut up and pay."


  1. "Shut up and pay"??

    You do an effective job of whittling away of all the BS :)

  2. It's funny. The minority of the Board actually represents the majority of the people.

    The only way to change that is to dump $40,000 into the school board election like Greg Anderegg (not his money of course, but S.C. Johnson) with a patsy frontman like Jeff Neubauer.

  3. I think you are right Brian about the minority representing the majority. Unfortunately, not enough Racine voters are able to see through the propaganda efforts of the RUSD administration, the teachers union, the JT, and Neubauer and his anonymous contributors. So we keep voting these people into office, while people like yourself are discouraged from running at all. It is not a good situation. Keep up the good fight.

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Did anyone mention the 1st Amendment to the board memebrs favoring the gag policy? What a wonderful lesson for high school civics.

  5. The best school board J-Wax's money can buy. Six or seven bought and paid for hacks (I'm not sure on McKenna, the other six I know have the J-Wax, RAMAC, PforP, RUSD, JT, REA label on them).

  6. I continualluy see the accusasions that Jwax is buying the school board. I have yet to ever see any proof. Mr Dey do you have any support for yoru allegations?

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
