Monday, April 09, 2007

Using Joshua Glover

Yesterday I saw a depiction of the Joshua Glover story on an underpass in Milwaukee, and it got me thinking.

For those of you who don't know the Glover story, he was a runaway slave who was captured in Wisconsin and jailed in Milwaukee. Law at the time was that his owner could retrieve him. Anyway, a large contingent of people from Racine went to Milwaukee and freed Joshua Glover.

It is a great story, but why is it receiving so much attention lately? The reason, I surmise, is that it allows us to bask in a feeling of moral superiority. We, the people of Wisconsin, recognized the evil of slavery, and we did something about it. Aren't we grand?

They were, we aren't. The Racinians who freed Joshua Glover knew right from wrong, and they acted accordingly. Could we do the same today? I doubt it. Many of the evils of the world are excused away as cultual differences. We should be more tolerant and understanding. Who are we to judge?

Many of us have lost the ability to judge right from wrong. We are paralyzed as a result. We will not confront evil because of our fear and uncertainty.

But we wish it wasn't so, so we use Joshua Glover to mask our present day impotence.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    The only evil left, for many people, is to call something evil.

    That and George Bush, of course.


  2. i would agree. i don't think people now have the capacity to think collectively to do what's right for humanity. Human slavery and a world wide slave trade still exists to this day as a result.

    We've lost the ability to think and act independently, because we've become so entrenched in group think and political ideology that literally peoples own minds and brains are no longer their own.

    Bush is in his own class of evilness. He has broken the mold.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    In the the first para you claim we no longer have the capacity to think collectively. In the second you claim we don't think independently.

  4. CTW, you prove my point. If you think George Bush is the most evil man ever, then your judgement is seriously impaired. That would mean that Bush is worse than the terrorists that we are fighting in Iraq and elsewhere. In which case, it would be appropriate to help the terrorists in any way that you can. Many of our "leaders" on the left are doing exactly that.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Denis, I tend to agree with you. This Don Imus affair has been on my mind (morning shock jock who made racially and sexist off the cuff remarks regarding the national champion Rutger's womens basketball team). Imus should be canned. He's a good guy, a bright guy, entertaining, but none of that excuses what he said over the airwaves to millions.

    But this also brings to mind that throughout sports seasons I sit among Racinians that make identical or worse comments than Imus made. Most of these folks are African-American and most are young, though some are parents. Through experience we know whites aren't allowed to confront this behavior/attitude/language. It would just be nice if the same group of people who are quickly putting Imus in his place, would put other people closer to home in their place for the same type of behaviors. Did the people who freed Joshua Glover risk being shot? Should we risk being shot to confront the ignorant behavior among us today?

  6. Hey anon/Eric, there is a double standard, that is for sure. I don't think it is worth getting shot to correct bad behavior. On the other hand, I can't imagine that we are really that much at risk when we do.

  7. Major differences between Imus and the folks you speak about Eric. The folks you speak about do not have a nationally syndicated radio show that brings in revenues of over $25 million in one market alone. The folks you speak about don't rub shoulders with major political figure heads that influence national policy. They also don't communicate to millions of people everyday, nationwide.

    These people in these power positions who have major influence should be held to a higher standard in expressing their personal prejudices.

    Denis, Do i have many positive things to say about Bush, not really. As is the case with your assessment of all lefty leadership. I haven't heard you say anything positive about any figure head on the left. So how is my bashing different than your own bashing of lefties?

  8. CTW, there is a world of difference between disagreeing with liberal thought and liberal thinkers, which I do on a regular basis, and stating that George Bush is the most evil human human being on earth, as you have done. Never have I stated that Hillary or Kerry or Michael Moore are more evil than Bin Laden, Hitler, or Stalin. To do so would be foolish and dangerous, because I would be failing to identify or confront true evil. Which is the point of my original post. Many of us, and this includes you, no longer have the capacity to correctly identify evil. As such, we will fail to confront it.

  9. Denis, i think the one that's niave (sp) about the trustworthiness and effectiveness of our national leader is you. Blind faith and ignorance to reality is just as dangerous as the terroists themselves.

  10. Obviously facts mean nothing to you CTW. If you would read my previous post entitled "Bad to the Bone?" and the comments thereafter, you will see that I have not voted for George Bush and I am critical of some of his policies. Why would you call this blind faith in George Bush? Once again you demonstrate your poor judgement.

  11. Anonymous8:11 PM

    CT, please note I stated Imus should be canned. I am curious for you to clarify some things however, why is it okay for other citizens to say the same things Imus said? If I understand you, a citizen is protected by the first amendment to say racially hurtful things as long as the citizen only has a limited audience? But large audiences and big bucks deny a citizen first amendment protections? Do the rappers that spout and profit from identical language deserve protection or denial of livelihood ala Imus?

  12. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What perplexes me about the Don Imus incident is that the folks who condemn this caucasian broadcaster seem to turn their backs on the "black rappers" whose lyrics are certainly equal or worse than the three words uttered by Mr. Imus.

    So, CT, what would make the rappers any different from the broadcaster since they both use words/lyrics to make a living?

    I haven't heard of any of the rappers apologizing for their vulgar lyrics.

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Let's face it. The only time anyone will stand up for what is right is when they get something out of the deal.

    A good example is Sharpton and Jackson. If it were some female worker being sexually/racially harassed/discriminated against at some meaningless job nobody would care.

    Many times those who are being "evil" are those who are in position of power, and they can destroy the reputation and lives of anyone who dares to challenge their "evilness." It never ceases to amaze me how some people get to where they are professionally after doing some of the things they did, and so many people knowing about it. Go figure.

    Anon number 4
