Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ethnic Insensitivity at the Journal Times

WARNING!! The following news may be distressing for those of Welsh heritage. The culturally insensitive editorial writers at the Journal Times have just insulted all people of Welsh ancestry in a most egregious manner. In describing the Washington County Board's efforts to renege (sounds racially insensitive but isn't) on a promise, they instead used the very hurtful word "welsh" instead. The "county board two weeks ago welshed on a promise it made to pay $4 million to Cabela's Inc..." wrote the insensitive folks over at the JT.

The Washington County Board broke their promise to a company. What that has to do with the proud and decent people from Wales, I will never know.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. This from Welch: 1857, racing slang, "to refuse or avoid payment of money laid as a bet," probably a disparaging use of the national name Welsh.

Now the only remaining question is what punishment should be meted out to the Journal Times. Should they be shut down? Should they meet with local Welsh people to apologize? Should they attend sensitivity classes? Should FreeRacine readers picket outside the JT, carrying signs that read "I AM WELSH AND I KEEP MY PROMISES!!!"


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I had a buddy who was Welsh and I am totally offended on his behalf. The writer and editor should be fired.

  2. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Well, I geuss he still is Welsh, but we don't really hang out any more.

  3. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Once a welsher, always a welsher. So says the JT anyway. Denis Navratil.

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Those Washington County buggers Scotched it did they? Ooops.

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    What the JT didn't tell us is whether the county board first tried to Jew them down before the welshing. Denis Navratil.

  6. Anonymous5:43 AM

    A bunch of Indian givers they are! I mean Native American givers, of course. Denis Navratil.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    If I had purchased that issue of the Journal Times I'd have felt like I was "gypped".
    (I'm only very aware of this one due to my Hungarian grandparents..."Gypped" as in gypsy)

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The Racine PD should throw these clowns in the Paddy wagon.
