Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Steer Clear of Smears

Having been on the receiving end of political smears, I try my best not to automatically believe the horrendous things that are said and written about politically prominent individuals. My hope is that those who have witnessed the vicious smearing of General Petreus by MoveOn.org will adopt a similar habit.


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    That's one reason I don't understand why you post on blogs belonging to people who consistently smear other people. Having your name associated with people like that, whether you agree with them or not, reflects badly upon you too.

  2. I appreciate your concern for my reputation anon, I really do. However, I fail to understand how or why my reputation would be diminished if I engage responsibly with political opponents. Am I now associated with MoveOn.org because I commented on their disgusting attack on General Petreus? I believe good and active citizens need to challenge irresponsible debaters and hatemongers rather than try to ignore them. They are too loud and influential to ignore even if we wanted to.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    People who smear obviously lack the ability for rational dialogue!

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    They won't learn anything Denis. Those people think the smear was correct.

    They have thrown a hero under the bus for political purposes.

    Slime is what slime is.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Holding up Petreus as a "hero" is an insult to the 33,000 real heros that have bene wounded or killed in this war.

    A true hero would have provided the needed objective and realistic assessment of the war, not another bunch of excuses from the Bush camp.

  6. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Most recent Anon, how is it you know more about the conditions in Iraq and the risks Patreus encounters than Patreus does? When was the last time you wore a uniform, earned your position, and got into combat? How brave you are to insult a man because he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. Your standard for "hero" is martyrdom ... that would put you in the same camp as? Commenting anonymously even further deligitimizes your statements.

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    lt col retired,
    great post!

  8. The Heros are fighting overseas.
    Some of this Counties worst foes are in Congress.
