Thursday, October 04, 2007

Desperate Dems

Some state Democrat Party leaders are proposing a new law which would compel state lawmakers to work on the budget impasse. The proposed law would call for lawmakers to meet for increasingly long sessions until a budget is passed. Police would be called upon to bring reluctant lawmakers to the table, by force, if necessary. Should any state lawmakers argue against universal health care, police are instructed to taze them repeatedly until they realize their error. OK, I made up that last part.


  1. David, you do have a sense of humor! Pretty funny.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Talk about desperate, did you hear who's running for racine county democratic chair? ROFL!

  3. Kay, my name is Denis. If you are recognizing my sense of humor, thank you. And anon, you tease. Who is running for Racine County Dem chair?

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'll let Kay answer that one Denis.
