Saturday, October 27, 2007

National Taxpayers Day

I was out last night and happened upon Micah Waters (manager/partner/owner? I am not sure) of Porters. He had a good idea. How about a new national holiday called Taxpayers Day?

Micah suggested that on taxpayers day, everyone has the day off except government employees.

We started to run with the idea. Taxpayers don't have to pay taxes that day. Additionally, government workers have one day where they don't get paid and they don't have benefits, as the taxpayer is taking the day off from providing these benefits. Wouldn't there be some value in having government employees shopping around for a one day health insurance policy?

Not only would this be a joyous day for taxpayers, it would serve as a much needed reminder to government employees just who it is that is paying their salaries and providing their benefits.


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    But Denis, government employees also have to pay taxes!

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Crying crocodile tears for those who live in the US and pay taxes...and the wealthy that dodge them...

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    it seems like the original post is framed as an individual v. the government one.

    it is really a institutional question.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Not only would this be a joyous day for taxpayers, it would serve as a much needed reminder to government employees just who it is that is paying their salaries and providing their benefits.


    Nothing like reinforcing the Master/Slave relationship...yessum massah...

  5. Anonymous7:12 AM

    And govt offices can give tours so the common man can see what goes on in those large buildings.

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    well, let's put it this way. mr waters is such a dumb fuck, so why don't you stay away from him?. stat
