Friday, November 30, 2007

Liars Club?

I was teasing Kay from the other day, wondering when she, an admitted hunter and SUV driving WalMart shopper, would be expelled from the Democrat Party. They had a big tent was the response, more or less. Could I join, I asked. Yes of course was the anwer. I then explained that I stand for, among other things, less taxation, fewer regulations, school vouchers, and that I think that thing growing inside a pregnant woman is a human life. Her response was that my views were not aligned with those held by Democrats and that, technically speaking, I could not join if I were honest about my views. On the other hand, if I was a liar...

And now a disclaimer for the perpetually outraged. Kay did not say that I could join only if I lied about my views. I inferred that from her response. Furthermore, I don't think that Democrats are any more dishonest than the general public. This entire post is intended to be funny. Decide for yourselves if I have succeeded.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Denis -

    I'm smirking! However, when the discussion turns to ideologic views, some people seem to be more "thin-skinned" than others.

    Calling Pete Karas a socialist was probably a good assumption of his purported ideologic views, but it hit close to home and he took exception to that.

    Lying (except in Burlington on New Year's Day) or surpressing our true beliefs in order to be admitted into membership of a political party (or any other organization, for that matter) wouldn't be my style - and definitely not yours.

    By all means, do not keep your views to yourself. I enjoy the healthy banter that your thought provoking blogs provide.

    By the way, can I interest you in running for the County Board representing the 15th District? We need someone who shares your views on the CB.

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    You guys paint with such a broad brush when it comes to stereotyping anyone whom you oppose, that it is ridiculous. Just as you guys attack those on the right whom you don't agree with, like calling Ron Paul a 'PRO-LIFE Liberal'!

    I have no trust in the right in the honesty department, as they consistently show themselves to be petty and dishonest...

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "You guys" seems like a rather "broad brush" retort, if you ask me!

    And to criticize the Right for lack of honesty and candor . . . like Bill Clinton epitomizes honesty with the public and his own spouse when it comes to marital indiscretions. Geeeesch!

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    And to criticize the Right for lack of honesty and candor . . . like Bill Clinton epitomizes honesty with the public and his own spouse when it comes to marital indiscretions. Geeeesch!

    Have you been following the sexual scandals of the 'right for the past many years? Newt's leaving his dying wife for another woman is least of the republican sexual misconducts - many with men and boys,

    Before you throw 1 stone, check out the house that you live in!

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I just checked out Blue Racine for the first time. I actually found TWO articles in a row that didn't include the words "f***ing", "s***", and "a**hole". If that site doesn't get a f***ing Pulitzer Prize then people must just be a**holes . . .
