Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Nine Local Terrorists Arrested

I picked up the JT this morning and read the front page headline: "Third murder suspect arrested." Then I looked at the local section and found more good news: "Sixth murder suspect arrested." If the allegations are true, these people have been shooting up houses, breaking into homes, committing armed robberies, and of course, murdering people. There are now nine fewer terrorists on the streets of Racine. Good job RPD.


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Symptoms of a culture that has been made sick by it's sins of the idolotry of material goods, and the rationalizations of a neo-con viewpoint (pick yourself up by your bootstraps).

  2. Anonymous5:02 AM

    That's the most ridiculous explaination I've heard yet. Yes I agree a person should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and take responsibility for their own life and stop blaming others, but resorting to crime is NOT taking responsibility.

    Wow the more I think about that response, the more insane it is. So I guess the moral to this is if the government doesn't continue to give free hand outs to those too lazy to work, people will resort to crime as they have no other alternative, and their behavior then is everyone else's fault, not their own. Amazing!

  3. aa, clearly you have not been reading my blog enough lately or you would have already been exposed to anon's nonsense. Criminals don't commit crimes anon. Indeed, criminals aren't criminals, they are victims. Victims of a capitalist society of which you are an unrepentant member. You are the criminal aa.

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    ...and you wonder why our society suffers with such arrogance as you 'godly' people...

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Remember, my Grandfather's homeland POLAND brought down communism in Poland with a TRADE UNION!

    How can you right wingers call people 'left' when the programs they back bring down communism?

    Your logic is flawed at the foundation...that whomever counters your 'beliefs' is 'leftist'!

    What a crock!

  6. Denis, What is your blog address? Are you opposed to Christianity? Just asking before i ive the address of my blog
    David Hansen

  7. Denis, it seems you might be happier in a ommunist country
