Monday, December 10, 2007

Bag Your Skepticism

The Journal Times warns us today that "blogs are not automatically more serious or believable than the flyers one used to find stapled to utility poles" and that they are "merely the newest medium through which dubious old messages can be passed..." and that we should "keep a bag of skepticism handy to leaven the assertions which you find."

Good advice. One should also carry "a bag of skepticism" when reading the assertions contained in the Journal Times.

But there are exceptions to every rule. All material offered here at FreeRacine, excepting the comments section, is unequivocally true an should be unquestionably accepted as such by all readers. Got that anon?


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The most shocking turn events in the history of politics in Racine will happen in 2008. It will be like nothing anyone has ever seen before.

  2. Tell us more soon. Don't be a tease!

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    If I may

    Fight over who will get to serve in the 9th.
    There will be at least two running.

    I belive that the Mayor will step down by late 08 due to a great oppertunty in regional goverment.
    Expect some type of move towards this durning the mayor's meeting this week.

    Expect law suits from the former MIS staff and maybe the HR Director.

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Only a few blogs are legit news sources...most are merely rhetoric storage areas.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I see the poster named "soon" has hit all the local blogs with the same message, what's up?? I'll believe shocking when I see shocking.

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Colt maybe your predictions will come true, maybe not. But either way there's nothing so shocking about any of it. Mr. "Soon" must have other ideas.

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Let's have him bring it on!
    looking forward to it

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Denis - I stopped reading anonymous posts a while ago, but if you are referring to the "obnoxious" anon, don't spend too much time. This person has all the intelligence and charm of a high colonic. Just another pseudo intellect with access to a computer and an Internet subscription - both of which the taxpayers have probably paid for.

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "obnoxious"(your words) pariah jeep,
    When I see you add anything of subsatnce, I will have a heart attack!

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    All material offered here at FreeRacine, excepting the comments section, is unequivocally true an should be unquestionably accepted as such by all readers. Got that anon?


    God has spoken...

  11. anon, you might want to try to borrow a sense of humor.

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Denis Navratil said...
    anon, you might want to try to borrow a sense of humor.

    I have a great one...but as this commentary says:

    Young People Losing Hope, Says Pope

    Notes They Are Deprived of True Love

    VATICAN CITY, DEC. 9, 2007 ( Young people, deprived of the true love that gives meaning to life, are at risk of losing hope, says Benedict XVI.

    The Pope said this in his address before reciting the Angelus on the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. He reflected on today's youth, who are "growing up in an environment saturated by messages that propose false models of happiness."

    In the words addressed to the thousands of pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter's Square the Pontiff said that "young men and women run the risk of losing hope because they often seem orphans of true love, the love that fills life with meaning and joy."

    The Holy Father: "Not a few experiences tell us that young people, adolescence and even children are easy victims of the corruption of love, deceived by unscrupulous adults, who, lying to them and to themselves, draw them into the dead ends of consumerism.

    "Even the most sacred realities, such as the human body, temple of the God of love and life, become objects of consumption; and this happens earlier and earlier, already in pre-adolescence.

    "How sad it is when the young lose wonder, the enchantment of the best sentiments, the value of respect for the body, manifestation of the person and his inscrutable mystery!"

    For this reason, Benedict XVI presented the beauty of Mary the Immaculate one, "shining with beauty, transparent to God's love. Mary Immaculate, 'Star of the Sea, shine upon us and guide us on our way!'"

  13. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anon, in between wasting our time hijacking threads, perhaps you can write the pope and explain to him that his idolatry of Mary is offensive to God?
