Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Debate Over, I Win

If you are getting tired of all the global warming posts here on FreeRacine, I have great news. This will be the last one. Why? Because the debate is over and I have won. Oh sure, there are still some anonymous bloggers and a few "scientists" that may still wish to debate me, but their time is up and they lost. Besides, by now everyone realizes that the losing "scientists" were bought and paid for by desperate environmental organizations looking for attention and money. Their greed makes me ashamed to be an American, but that is a topic for another day. Now, if your not so sure about my victory, consider the following: there is not one peer reviewed article, not even one, that disputes my victory. But just to be charitable, let us consider the possibility that I am wrong. Even if I am wrong, the economy and the environment will be better for it. Why is that you ask? Because meddling governments will not be regulating and redistributing for lost causes anymore. And this renewed appreciation for freedom will have a positive effect on our environment as well because governments that protect private property have better environmental records than socialist countries. So the debate is over folks and I have won. I now await my Nobel prize.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Just how much more right wing ideological could this blog ever get?

    I think that you trot out every right wing ideological stereotype and belief that exists...Ronald reagan would be proud of you...along with his astrologer.

  2. I appreciate your comments anon but what I was really looking for was congratulations. This is not the time for sniping, it is a time for healing. Remember, the debate is over and while I hate to rub it in, you lost. What we all need to do now is rally around my vision for a better world.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "Global warming has long since passed from scientific hypothesis to the realm of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo." - David Deming

    Anon, following the truth is not ideological, it's scientific.

    Denis, will there be some sort of award ceremony? I hear Bali is nice this time of year. Or maybe a 2 for 1 at a local tap. Please let us know.

    (David Deming is a geophysicist, an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis, and associate professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma.)

  4. Geesh Denis, with all the time I'll "save" now (not responding to global warming posts), I'll be able to start my own blog. I'm also going to have time to start an organization to help anonymous posters find an identity. Together, you and I might actually have enough spare time to do Mikey's paper route for him. The world is going to be so much a better place as a result of this.

    This will truly be a blessed Christmas.

    By the way, I invented science. (No, not that science, the other one.)

    Joyeux Noel!!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Congrads on your great win over the forces of true evil!
    May God Bless and keep you safe!

  6. Anonymous3:10 PM

    You are a sick, crazy old man.

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    God knows that global warming, caused by hydrocarbons, exists.

    What God do YOU invoke? The God of lies and deception?

  8. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Denis- I doubt this will be your last post on global warming; you need the attention. You're the one that keeps coming back to this topic, and you will again when the number of comments declines. I give you a couple of weeks.

  9. Nemo, I think a victory celebration is in order. I had a gathering last year about this time and a good time was had by all. I am thinking mid January at the Ivanhoe in downtown Racine. I will be posting on this in the next few weeks. Bali would be even better, I would agree. When Mobil and BP send me my check, I may just charter a flight over there. I invite one and all to join me.

    Cal, you should start a blog. And thanks for inventing science.

  10. LIES.

    Didn't you just post an article talking on the other side of this very issue. I believe it went something along the lines of your search for truth rather than victory? Very interesting.

    And last I checked, the USA is ranked number #28 on the Environmental Performance Index. Sweden, a country which is run under democratic socialism, is ranked #2.

  11. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Dennis, you are partly right. Some energy saving items are a scam such as the new light bulbs and possably hybrid cars. However, global warming is real.

  12. "Didn't you just post an article talking on the other side of this very issue. I believe it went something along the lines of your search for truth rather than victory? Very interesting."


    (I laughed so hard, a little pee came out...)

    I have to apologize to you Mike. I way, way, waaaaaaaaaaay overestimated you.

  13. That's intelligent. Let's all give it up to Cal for turning this blog into a place for random insults and general babble.

  14. Sorry Mikey, let me post something more better...


    Also, thank you for giving me level 8 power.

  15. At least when I say insulting things I go on to say something with some rational thought behind it.

  16. The difference between your insults and my insults...

    Mine are funny, witty and have some rational thought behind them.

  17. Denis is going to kill me tomorrow...

  18. anon and Michael, let me explain the joke for you. You see, my post is not a "right wing ideological" argument. Rather, I used the same leftist arguments that both of you have been using. It is called parody, not to be taken seriously. Here are the arguments:

    1. The debate is over.
    2. There might be some crackpots who don't think so, but they are paid for by special interests.
    3.There are no peer reviewed articles...
    4. Nobody has proved us wrong.
    5. Even if wrong, our solutions will make the world a better place.

    What I have done anon and Michael, is I have used the same silly arguments that are commonly used by global warming alarmists, and I have spun them around. I had hoped to demonstrate the absurdity of these arguments in doing so.

    While I thought my post was mildly amusing, your failure to get it is far funnier.

  19. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Your first mistake, Denis, is to use an incendiary blanket term 'left wing alarmists' to attempt to dismiss scientific analysis of astophysical and geologic data referencing the phenomenon called global warming.

    The 'right' makes everything into an ideological battle, creating strw horses on which to pin the complaints.

  20. Don't you mean straw donkeys?

  21. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Mark Twain you are not...

  22. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Since I don't vote either R or D party, ..ever... , I mean straw horse...

  23. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Your first mistake, Denis, is to use an incendiary blanket term 'left wing alarmists'..."

    I am reluctantly forced to agree with the first part of Anon's post. I think if you would have used the word 'hysterics' instead of 'alarmists' it would be more accurate. Loved the joke though. Very clever.

  24. Anonymous6:51 AM

    How does it feel, on the 'right', to live in your own little world of delusion?

    Must be like going back to the womb - comfy and cozy...

  25. Anonymous7:29 AM

    (sarcasm) Wow anon, your facts are so well crafted and presented. Gonna change a lot of minds with those fantastic forensics. Peer reviewed material? Who needs it after such a well thought out position! Are you available for a tenured university position? (/sarcasm) How about kids parties?

  26. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Denis -

    This was funny. I like how people did not get the joke and just started jumping all over you.

  27. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I can't believe the sarcastic nature of this post actually had to be explained to the experts on global warming. Can we possibly dumb all of this down a bit more? People who flunked their GED exams want to become surgeons you know.

  28. I saw the sarcasm, it just wasn't funny.

  29. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Global tongue-in-cheekism, still awaiting scientific review

  30. Anonymous7:13 PM

    You know, I have treated that kid with respect but I think Caledonication's spanking the other day was appropriate. A few days ago I was even going to move for a "child-friendly" venue for our get together so kids like him could show up.

    I think a downtown Racine location for a barley therapy session would be great. Bali is out - I hear the water from the polar ice cap melt is already lapping at the edges of the executibve runway.

  31. "Didn't you just post an article talking on the other side of this very issue. I believe it went something along the lines of your search for truth rather than victory? Very interesting."

    "I saw the sarcasm, it just wasn't funny."

    Just like Mikey can read and not comprehend, he can see and not recognize.

  32. Anonymous3:33 AM

    The tragedy is that he is probably a smart kid, but the public school global warming inculcation, among other things, has made him think that he can be arrogant before intelligent.

    When/where did you serve BTW? I wanted to fly but my eyes, heart and lungs wouldn't pass.

  33. Ok. Fine. I see how it was meant to be humorous, but, in my opinion, it was not funny.

  34. Anonymous9:06 AM

    George's Tavern

  35. I could join you at George's. My dad works there.

  36. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Little Mike? Gary's boy?


  37. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The Racine neo-con community of fundamentalist believers are beyond the rhelm of rational discourse...it is pointless to discuss with them, as they are of a set mind.

  38. "Mike,
    The Racine neo-con community of fundamentalist believers are beyond the rhelm of rational discourse...it is pointless to discuss with them, as they are of a set mind."

    1. The term neo-con is an insult to everyone who has ever contributed to this blog, which obviously does not include you.

    2. It's ok to have a set mind.

    3. Then why do you hang around here like a homeless stray?

  39. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I am a lifelong Racinian, and I want to know what other people from racine think...or how they don't use their brains...BECAUSE I live in Racine.

  40. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Why does neo-con insult?

    Cheney, Rove, Bill Kristol, Racinian Paul Weyrich, Bob Kagan, Bush...being compared to them insults you?

  41. "I am a lifelong Racinian, and I want to know what other people from racine think...or how they don't use their brains...BECAUSE I live in Racine."

    You don't want to know what other people in Racine think. You want to tell people what they are to think, according to your self deluding, little pea brain.

  42. First you say:

    The Racine neo-con community of fundamentalist believers are beyond the rhelm of rational discourse...it is pointless to discuss with them, as they are of a set mind."

    then you say:

    "Cheney, Rove, Bill Kristol, Racinian Paul Weyrich, Bob Kagan, Bush...being compared to them insults you?"

    What is anon? Are you talking about the contributors to this blog or are you talking about the Republican heads of the country?

    Your lunatic thought process is obvious in every chaotic post you make.

    I'm not a Repulican.
    I'm not a fundamentalist.
    I like President Bush.

    He's not perfect, but he's light years better than the Clinton joke. In fact, the salvo launched against President Bush by the liberal media is beginning to work in the President's favor. The liberal media and people like you are so hell-bent in your accusations that you are all beginning to crack. Your ideology has taken a back seat to pure hatred.

    I'm not insulted by you comparing me to them. Your comments are so brainless as to have most ignore them as a rule of thumb.

  43. The point he was making was that because you all have a set mind you do not respond to rational argument.

  44. I don't need you to tell me what anonymous meant. And you, as much, if not more than anon-in-the-ass, need to learn what you just said.

  45. I should probably just stop arguing with you since your generation will die before mine, so ultimately, one day, we'll clean up the mess you left us.

  46. "I should probably just stop arguing with you" True, you are grossly ill-equipt.

    "your generation will die before mine, so ultimately, one day, we'll clean up the mess you left us."

    Oh, don't worry.

    1. By then you will probably understand the error of your logic.


    2. My daughters will still be here to slap you around if you don't.

  47. I doubt that your brainwashed daughters can fight back against a world-wide movement. If you look outside of America you will see that the rest of the world is trying to make forward progress on this issue.

  48. Blah, blah, blah, blah...

  49. Okay, Denis, Caledonication, and anyone else who agrees with them try to disprove this.

    1) CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
    2) Greenhouse gases cause global warming.
    3) The more greenhouse gases are in the air, the more the Earth heats up.


  50. Anonymous4:38 PM

    cosmopop1 - thank you for signing in with a name and for (hopefully) not being an arrogant, snotty prepubescent little puke. You brought up three points to consider:

    1) yes
    2) this is an unproven hypothesis without a single experiment to support it
    3) go back to #2

    The hypothesis isn't dead and it may be correct, but the evidence against it is strong and needs to be examined, not discussed with "us vs. them" emotions.

  51. cosmopop1 said...
    Okay, Denis, Caledonication, and anyone else who agrees with them try to disprove this.

    1) CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
    2) Greenhouse gases cause global warming.
    3) The more greenhouse gases are in the air, the more the Earth heats up.


    ZOMG!! Why didn't someone just say this before! To think the answer was so "simple", even I cannot believe it!

    Debate over, cosmopop1 wins...

  52. Anonymous4:55 PM

    No wait! I am bringing in an expert! I heard that Hannah Montana has looked at the controversy and has weighed in. PLEASE don't crown a winner until I post the site for her You Tube video!!!

  53. pj i am watching high school musical no not the first one the second one and i think im onto something unfortunately it is past my bedtime and ill have to finish it tomorrow ill report on my new hypoallergosis then.


    PS: anon is a PAB!
    *smoooches hon*!!

  54. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Okay, even if you people do not believe in global warming, then consider this. Unless you are as crazy as you sound, then even you know that oil will run out sooner or later. The fact is, we need a source of energy, and where will that come from? Renewable energy sources. Why not start early?

  55. turd alert:

    "Okay, even if you people do not believe in global warming, then consider this. Unless you are as crazy as you sound,"

    Way to walk into a thread anon, do you actually think you come across as an intellectual looking for a discussion?

  56. Pariah Jeep, I meant to say that carbon-dioxide causes an increase in the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when light comes from the sun and hits the earth and the earth absorbs some and radiates the rest out into space, but since CO2 increases the thickness of the atmosphere, the less heat goes into space and the more stays inside the atmosphere. Thus the earth increases in temperature.

  57. Anonymous1:38 PM

    cosmopop1 - your explanation of the greenhouse hypothesis is incorrect. CO2 is not theorized to "thicken" the atmosphere - it is theorized to trap heat (like a greenhouse) because of its density. Unless you mean by "thickness" the density of the air, not the distance from the Earth's surface to the edge of the atmosphere. Regardless, this is only a hypothesis and repeated explanations of the components of the hypothesis will not render it correct. Only experiments can do that - or at least data that fits with the computer models that people are using.

  58. Well, what do you Denis, Caledonication, and Pariah Jeep, actually believe about Global Warming? Should be investigated more? Does it has flaws and if so what are they? Well, if I knew what you were trying to point to as a cause of global warming, I could try to analyze that. Thank you.


  59. Anonymous6:07 AM

    cosmopop1 - I want to say that I enjoy talking to you because you don't call names AND I learn from you as you learn from me.

    I definitely think global warming should continue to be studied. However, I believe that action now to combat man-made global warming because it has been "proven" that it is indeed man-made is wrong. One of my arguments is that there are many things, pollutants, going into our air and water that we know are deadly AND we need to spend money on gettinmg rid of those immediately. The other is that the world does not have an infinite amount of money, and as we spend money on "fixing" global warming we can't spend as much on cancer, heart disease, hunger, etc.

    Here is a link that I posted on another thread that lists a large number of scientists who have specific comments that call into question aspects of the data, data analysis, computer models, etc. associated with global warming work:


    Notice the names, locations (including excellent universities like MIT and the University of Pennsylvania) and positions of the scientists. These are not oil company-paid lackeys.

  60. Well, Pariah Jeep, I agree that we should try to get the crap that is already in our atmosphere out of it. Also, scientists agree that Global Warming is not a consensus, shown by this poll in 2007 by scientists around the world.

    Human activity is a significant cause of climate change.

    and 35% of scientists around the world think we should not take major action soon as shown by this poll

    It's necessary to take major steps starting very soon.

    I am of the opinion that if every person does his or her part in getting their house more energy efficient that we could cut it by a miniscule, but still some, margin. I'm not saying FORCE everyone to do it but let them have their options, they can or they can't. Sorry this is so long.


  61. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Cosmopop1 - your posts aren't that long! There are so many things we can do to limit pollution and use of energy. You brought up houses and there are so many more. If you take showers, think about turning the water off while you are not rinsing the soap off - in one year you would save an incredible amount of water AND energy.

    It will not be huge solutions that fix our pollution and energy use problems, it will be 1% here and 3%there, adding up to a major benefit.
