Monday, December 31, 2007

FreeRacine Fest #2

FreeRacine readers and contributors are cordially invited to meet at 7 pm, Thursday, January 10th at the Ivanhoe in downtown Racine. We will solve all the worlds problems by, say 7:30, after which we will celebrate. One and all are welcome, even my detractors. Please let me know if you will be attending. Thanks.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Colt will be there any chance of Playboy Bunnies like the post had or should Colt bring his own?

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'll be a little late, but I'll be there.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I'll be there unless I am victimized by schedule envy. Colt should bring Bunnies -

  4. If I survive all the cards, booze, and various levels of debauchery on new year's eve, I'll be there.

  5. I will be there too...

  6. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I will bring bunnies I love bunnies. For a fee you can a photo taken with one. For another fee I will not send it to the Post.

  7. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I won't be there;; but I will pray for your souls.

    Pope John Paul II

  8. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I'll be there. I'll miss anon though.

  9. "I won't be there;; but I will pray for your souls.

    Pope John Paul II"

    JP-2... Get off my side, HEATHEN!

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    God of darkness...

    Join Pope John Paul II in the Heavenly light of Truth.

  11. Anonymous9:08 PM

    We have a new flavor to honor our anonymous / Pope...

    Troll Turds

    Ingredients: Empty carton

  12. I would love to be there but I will be in Florida...I'm running the Disneyworld Half Marathon on Saturday and the Disneyworld Marathon on Sunday...I'm quite sure I'd rather be downing a few beers.

    I hope the turnout is spectacular!! Look forward to the highlights.

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I guess Jesus was a Troll when he threw the money-changers out of the temple...

  14. "I guess Jesus was a Troll when he threw the money-changers out of the temple..."

    Anonymous, Anonymous... My poor, little, red-headed stepchild Anonymous. If you are going to leave a turd, at least it could be a gem of a turd. Although it's no surprise, your analogy makes no sense. You are very confused indeed. In fact, I get the distinct impression that you think you are me and this fine blog a temple of the Father. Naughty little pontificating troll, I have much in store for you in purgatory.

  15. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Hey Denis!!!
    I will try to make it. I will have to see how my schedule looks for that day. Its been filling up pretty fast lately. :)
