Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thought of the Day

Nothing polarizes quite like the truth.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    ...and YOUR truth is?...

  2. There is not a my truth or your truth anon.

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Truth IS polarized - just make sure you insert it positive to positive and negative to negative . . .

  4. But if you are a liberal, you can clip the wide side with a pair of side cutters and force the negative into the positive.

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    But then the thing wouldn't work. Of course, one could then scream that the oil companies had changed the laws of physics with some scientists they paid for, throw in a few rants about racism/hawkism/anti-child-ism/anti-immigration-ism, mention Katrina, and wait for a shower of the correct parts.

  6. You forgot to mention President Bush.

  7. Also left out were WMD's, Carl Rove, impeachment, Vice President Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld. Earmarks would have been on the list last year, but now they appear to be a good thing, especially in conservative districts with Democratic freshmen.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Hannah Montana said: "Like you people are being like so lame and annoying!!! Cheney? Rumsfeld? Bush? I like don't even know who they are but I know they're bad!"

    I mentioned in a global warming post that Lindzen at MIT had an "endowed chair". The way one of you was getting pummeled for fowl language, and the intelligence level of the pummel-ers, I’m surprised I didn’t get yelled at for saying something dirty about a chair.

  9. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Another thought of the day: I just read an article in the Milwaukee paper about the Racine Zoo taking precautions because of the tiger attack in California and the released cougars here in Wisconsin. I suggest a multi-year, multi-faceted $1 million grant proposal to provide diversity training to all of the animals.

  10. Do you think a mere one million clams will be enough?

  11. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Blogger Denis Navratil said...

    There is not a my truth or your truth anon.

    8:16 AM

    Your claim here is:
    "Nothing polarizes quite like the truth."

    That is a claim that you recognize what is True.

    That is a self referential comment.

  12. Wrong again anon. Saying that truth is polarizing is not the same as saying that I always recognize truth. Having said that though, you disagreeing with me is usually a good indicator that what I am saying is true.

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I checked all the threads
    to see any wisdom or wit
    but the anons simply left
    a few turds and split

    WAS anything useful said? Please let me know - if any of them were from obnoxanon, I truly have bowel movements that are smarter than him/her.

  14. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Is 'true'.

    Substantiate 'truth'.

  15. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Anonymous Pariah Jeep said...

    if any of them were from obnoxanon, I truly have bowel movements that are smarter than him/her.

    What are you afraid of Jeep-man? That your 'beliefs' get 'challenged' and can't take it?

  16. What's the matter anonymous? Does this blog bring back haunting memories of those old school days, when all those other kids used to beat you up and knock your books to the ground, because you smelled like pee?

    Truth is...

    you smell more like something else now.

  17. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Blogger Caledonication said...

    What's the matter anonymous? Does this blog bring back haunting memories of those old school days, when all those other kids used to beat you up and knock your books to the ground, because you smelled like pee-------------------------------

    Actually, thru High School, I was the star athlete, All Racine County, and class president.


  18. Anonymous10:07 PM back to the thoughts regarding 'ATHEISTIC Capitalism', and all the little minions that defend that god they have created, as they worship money and sucess...

  19. Anonymous10:09 PM fact, I could beat Tony Romo's Dad at pick-up basketball at lunch-time, and Tony Romo's Mom went to my Catholic grade school.

  20. "Actually, thru High School, I was the star athlete, All Racine County, and class president."

    Sure you were. We all believe you.

  21. Jesus Christ anon, if that were true, what the hell happened to you? Scholarship fall through? I guess now we know what "your" truth is.

    " fact, I could beat Tony Romo's Dad at pick-up basketball at lunch-time, and Tony Romo's Mom went to my Catholic grade school."

    Ok, I give up. What do those things have to do with anything? Are you trying to be substantive through association again? I still smell a turd, anony-mouse.

  22. Ok, ok, ok... My turn.

    Get this anon. My sister used to be married to a guy, whose sister used to be married to Marcus Allen AND I shook Muhammad Ali's hand at O'hare when I was a cub scout.


  23. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Caledonication - your comments include actual quotes redacted from anonymous posts??? Someone actually said that they could beat someone's dad in basketball and were a star high school athlete? I have a sense of humor but this is too pathetic to be funny. And by the way, I did Hannah Montana during recess the other day.

  24. Now-now PJ... one should never kiss and tell!

    or play hoops and tell, or something like that.

  25. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Blogger Caledonication said...

    Jesus Christ anon, if that were true, what the hell happened to you? Scholarship fall through? I guess now we know what "your" truth is.

    I guess...I am responding to YOU, now aren't I...I got better things to do than talk to the likes of you...

  26. "I guess...I am responding to YOU, now aren't I...I got better things to do than talk to the likes of you..."

    How we both wish that were true.

  27. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This little right wing crying club is too depressing...later.

  28. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
