Saturday, January 05, 2008

How to Eliminate Violence

There is a basketball game upcoming between two RUSD schools, Park vs. Horlick, I think. Because of violence during and after a recent intracity game, RUSD has initiated a new policy. They will not allow entry into the game unless the ticket has been purchased in advance. If you just show up like most people do if they want to go to a high school game, you will be turned away. There will be no profiling here, oh no. Go on home with your bad self granny!

Now this may actually work, I don't know. Maybe the thinking is that anyone inclined to stir up trouble at a basketball game is too impulsive and in the moment to actually plan ahead and buy a ticket in advance. Perhaps so, but I have my doubts.

But there is no doubt that this policy unfairly inconveniences law abiding citizens, lumping them in with the thugs who are terrorizing our city. Rather than do that, there should be a strong police presence ready to round up the troublemakers.

However, if the only objective is to reduce the violence, I have a better suggestion. Play the game at 8:00 am in Manitowoc, and don't sell any tickets. That ought to put a stop to the violence problem.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Violence grows out of a culture of violence...if you have a Masters in Education and Sociology, you ought to know that...lynchings that have never been atoned for/or repented of, will do that to a nation.

  2. Young black men and children are shooting at each other because they are mad at unrepentent lynchers? Why wouldn't they shoot at unrepentent lynchers?

  3. Out of the mouths of gang members and I have personally known several...

    Q: Why do you kill each other? Why the violence? Your smart, why live that way?

    A: It's ALL about the money. I can make way more money dealing, than I could getting ANY other job. I can make as much as a business manager, without paying any taxes. I need to show my strength, through violence, to protect my business.

    "lynchings that have never been atoned for/or repented of, will do that to a nation."

    Aren't we all getting a little too old for this nonsense? Who do you expect to repent or atone? The corpses of the slave owners?

    Who is going to atone and repent for the entire communities that are destroyed by gangs? Who is going to atone and repent for the overdosed victims or the destroyed lives of the drugs they sell? Who is going to atone and repent for the innocent lives lost due to drive-by shooting? Who is going to atone and repent for the riots in LA?

    Give us a break, don't insult our intelligence with (Farrakhan, Jackson, etc.) rhetoric.

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM

    My fault I will take the blame for every lynching ever anywhere.
    I will NOT take the blame for slavery sorry, you should talk to the Black Afrcan Kingdoms, and todays great Islamic nations (In the Sudan you can still by black kids as slaves)

  5. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Denis Navratil said...

    Young black men and children are shooting at each other because they are mad at unrepentent lynchers? Why wouldn't they shoot at unrepentent lynchers?

    Way to twist what I said.

    As George W. Bush came from 100 years of priviledge, poor people come from a history of abuse and exploitation.

    Sins never get old...they fester and ruin the future.

  6. "Way to twist what I said.

    As George W. Bush came from 100 years of priviledge, poor people come from a history of abuse and exploitation.

    Sins never get old...they fester and ruin the future."

    Nothing was twisted. Denis merely pointed to the absurdity of your statement.

    If nothing else, it gives me great pleasure to know how everything makes you fester inside. Sins never get old? Sure they do, just like your comments.

    Jesus was poor and abused. He never killed anybody.

  7. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Poor people come from abuse and eploitation my &ss.

    I grew up poor. Now I'm not. Between then and now I worked my &ss off. I didn't buy a new Escalade with spinners and subs in the back. Instead, I invested in ME: education and hard work. Why don't you give that a shot instead of whining about what happened to your great great grandparents - and BTW, most of our great great grandparents didn't do it to them: they were busy being poor somewhere else before they came to the Land of Opportunity.

  8. and I was abused and am neither poor nor violent...

    I guess that shoots a big hole in that theory.
