Thursday, January 10, 2008

Imagine That

Sorry about my previous, long winded post. This one will be short and sweet. Yesterday I received a phone solicitation. The caller wanted to know if I would offer money or, I think, a raffle item for their fund raiser. It seems that the Walden School is wanting to raise funds for some solar panels to put on their building. I will leave my response to your imagination.


  1. Please, please, PLEASE share!!

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Is Mikey Gibson coming tonight???

  3. Green School didn't get the $30,000 S.C. Johnson grant they were hoping for.

    I had no idea they were operating their own telemarketing venture.

  4. We weren't "attacking" you by asking. We have been asking a lot of stores for donations like this, and we obviously realize that your store is among the most successful downtown. If you say, "No, I'm not interested in participating at this time" then fine, but to accuse us of an attack is just ridiculous.

  5. Anonymous9:34 PM

    These type of right wing neo-cons like to send other kids to die in wars, but you never see them there...

    Correct, Bush, Cheney, et al?

  6. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Hi Mikey, Glad to see you back in the Blog-o-sphere, sorry you missed tonoght your name came up, Alot. Don't ask for a contribution from me either:
    "No, I'm not interested in participating at this time", or ever.

    I enjoyed meetin P. Jeep, Concrete Katie and Nemo, and Mrs. Nemo. Thanks for coming to Racine for a visit, You should see how cool it is when it's not raining!!!

  7. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I see that Michael the Gibson posted something here! Was he the one who called??? Yes, be snotty and disrespectful - then politely ask for cash. Kind of like snotty/nonexistant service at a restaurant followed by the sudden influx of sweetness when dropping off the check.

    A quick lesson: treat people with respect even if you disagree because someday you, or someone in your group, might need their help. Of course, it would be great to treat people with respect without a future expectation, but that is just the way we people who can't get our heads around things/incapable of rational thought/etc. are . . .

  8. Yes, be snotty and disrespectful - then politely ask for cash.

    Isn't that the MO of a Liberal?

  9. Michael, please reread my post. If you pay attention to what I wrote, instead of whatever is swirling around in your head, you will notice that I never wrote anything about being "attacked." Thus you wrongly accuse me of accusing you of an attack.

    Regarding the phone solicitation, I had a lengthy conversation with the caller, someone I knew from my youth. She was unaware of the recent exchanges I have had with Walden students and some parents, so I filled her in. Given that I have some reservations about the environmental and educational value of this project, coupled with the threats of or actual boycotts of my business that I heard about from a few reliable sources, I politely declined to offer financial assistance. But I did reiterate that I would be willing to meet with Walden students, parents, administrators about their program or about the unfortunate behavior of some Walden students and supporters who have expressed the intent to harm me financially.

  10. Caledonication said...

    "Yes, be snotty and disrespectful - then politely ask for cash.

    Isn't that the MO of a Liberal?"

    Replace the words "politely ask for" with "demand" and that's closer to the Liberal MO.

  11. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I am probably the only one here that knows Michael and his Dad. More caring people in Racine you would be hard pressed to find.

  12. I am probably the only one here that knows Michael and his Dad. More caring people in Racine you would be hard pressed to find.

    You can rest assured that everyone here feels that Mike and his father (probably) have far more character than you anon.

    Denis, do we have an award for anon-in-the-ass, as he/she/it is probably "the only one" here?

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Denis would have bought s/him a drink on Thursday, If s/he had made made they'self known. Or maybe Anon was one of us, but refused to reveal.....HMMMM? Does Nemo, PJ, Katie, Denis, Pete or even UP have another alter ego?

    OK I'm not actually a conspiracy nut, I'll leave that to the pro's....But did the Clinton's somehow "stuff the box" in New Hampshire? I mean every other race has come close to the final polls. The Obama-Clinton numbers flipped 12 points in less than 24 hours?? Even Dennis Koochie' has decided to pay for a recount in NH. I think I'm even going to send him a contribution if he goes through with it.

  14. I heard about the phone call, and you were quoted as saying "I feel like I'm being attacked". If this is incorrect, I'm sorry.

  15. Michael, I don't recall the entirety of my phone conversation. If you were referring to a phone conversation that I had, and that you had information about, perhaps you should have said so. But I didn't say anything about being attacked in my blog entry. No apology necessary. Thanks.

  16. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Blogger Caledonication said...

    I am probably the only one here that knows Michael and his Dad. More caring people in Racine you would be hard pressed to find.

    You can rest assured that everyone here feels that Mike and his father (probably) have far more character than you anon.

    You, sir, are obviously in love with yourself...

  17. You, sir, are obviously in love with yourself...

    You, sir, are obviously in love with right-wing, capitalist, oil-soaked, neo-cons...

    Come on anon, can't you do any better than that? I mean if you are incapable of being witty, the least you could do is be a little entertaining. What do say?
