Friday, January 18, 2008

On Crime

I had a meeting today with a person who works in Uptown. Their business was broken into three times in the last month. Their are plenty of jokes I could insert here about how artists will save the day, but for businesses, crime is no laughing matter. Crime is one of the biggest deterents for businesses and their customers. A few heavily subsidized artists will not change that basic truth.


  1. I had a meeting today with a person who works in Uptown. Their business was broken into three times in the last month.

    That is very disturbing. Not knowing the specifics, I still have to ask. Under what conditions does a business get robbed three times in a single month?

  2. Denis -

    Have the owner contact Officer Meyer at the Racine PD. He will conduct a free security survey of the property and let them know what steps they can take to secure the property.

    Crime is always the fault of the criminal, but environmental factors do affect their choices. Sometimes simple changes that aren't apparent to laymen can really make a difference.

  3. caledon, I think the conditions were piles of cash openly displayed with the back door wide open. OK, just kidding. I am not sure what the conditions were. I didn't ask.

    Greg, thanks for the suggestion. As I said, I didn't ask many questions as the crime problems in Uptown was not the point of our meeting, but I have to assume that they called the police after each break-in. They have since installed cameras and an alarm system.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Before any art project to be sussesful crime must be under contol.
    Any person thinking about moving into the area would research the City first.

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Well maybe the Art will be so bad, no one would even steal it.
