Friday, January 04, 2008

Racine Depression

I just finished reading "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes. Basically, the book challenges the generally accepted notion that Roosevelts New Deal helped lift the US out of the great depression. Shlaes argues the opposite: the New Deal prolonged the depression, and she offers a convincing case.

Anyway, Racine, or at least large portions of it, is arguably in a decades long depression. Are the various government led efforts to solve the problems helping any, or are they simply prolonging and or exacerbating the problems? I am pretty sure you know what I think.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "I just finished reading "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes. Basically, the book challenges the generally accepted notion that Roosevelts New Deal helped lift the US out of the great depression."

    Now THAT is an insight into the mind of the right...not.

  2. Don't forget to wipe anon.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Denis Navratil said...

    Don't forget to wipe anon.

    8:00 PM

    You constantly state how open and balanced that you are, then you consistently make 'extreme right wing/ideological' statements.

    Are you open or closed?

  4. Anon, I asserted that a book that I read challenged conventional wisdom concerning the Great Depression. That is not an extreme ideological statement. It is a statement of fact concerning the authors argument. Karl Marx could have read the same book and he would have reached the same conclusion. He may have disagreed with the authors argument, but he would have understood what the author was writing. It is a pity that you can't actually understand what I write, being blinded as you are by a personal anymosity towards me.

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    That is right wing revisionist history.

    I don't know you; but having lived my entire life in Racine, know lots of people, family included, that make comments and observations just like yours.

    And since you have decided to go public with your ring wing view of reality, just like Kristopiet, and Fred Young, so forth and so on, you deserve to be answered by a native Racinian, and former family business member, whom has heard all this before.

    Clean control, such as your group advocates, is better than military dictatorship, yet it enslaves none the less.

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Hey Anon,
    With all due respect;

    Revise this!

  7. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Seriously, I did not read the aforementioned tome, but I heard the author interviewed on several format's. I have also heard allusions to these arguments before. If you look at the time frame and the US and World economy, combined with the Dustbowl effect. You can see the results of FDR's desire to use the Fed Govt's power to "fix" the problem. FDR being good hearted compassionate Democrat believed that only the Fed Govt. could fix the problem. He demonstrated better than anyone just how much damage the Govt. can do, when it sets it mind to it. (Another example would be Katrina, we have spent over $250,000 per person and it's still a mess!!) It's safe to argue that the Depression was 9-11 years long. If not for the massive demand for manufacturing of war time materials the FDR "fix" would not ever have worked. If FDR and the Govt. had instituted a massive tax cut, and removed more Govt. regulation's, the US economy would've steam-rolled forward. the Depression would have been only a few years long, and the great inventive power of American enginuity could perhaps have shortened the worldwide recession as well. Which was caused in no small part by the sociallists, (todays "Progressives"), that were running rampant all over the world during the first half of the 20th century, (even right here in Wisconsin)! Their plan was to take the wealth from the successful and redistribute it to the masses, and they were successful in many places. Those countrys were the most anemic economys for the next 50 years. See Argentina, Spain, Italy, and of course the entire Communist bloc.
    Doesn't the "Progressive" plan sound familiar?? That is exactly what Hillary, John Edwards, and Barry O' are running on. They are complaining about the rampant Govt. spending by Bush and the Republicans, and yet their solution to the problem , (that doesn't exist); is to take even more wealth from the earners, and redistribute it to the non-productive members of our economy. (sounds like more spending and taxing to me). Hmm!!!

    In summary if FDR had moved to Free the economy, we could've even skipped WW II!!!!! The Cold War, etc. Part of the arguement for Hitler, and expansion communism was to fix the injustice of poverty! Yes I'm Serious.

    I was glad to hear that even in Anon's life he occasionally runs into logical people, even amoung his own friends & family. I think it's comforting to know that no matter how out of touch you get with reality, truth and the facts. Anon. never let it get in the way of good rant on Denis's Blog page. (Dear Anon, a little less Kool-aid, because we care:^).
