Thursday, February 21, 2008

Question of the Day

This should be an easy one. Why isn't anyone complaining about the amount of money being spent by the presidential candidates?


  1. Because it's not my money?

  2. Caledonication - you took the words right out of my mouth ;^)

    Denis, I think most people have no idea how much is being spent. The only MSM story I recall hearing was that Hillary was loaning 5 mil to her campaign. That was only reported, IMHO, to cast doubt about her campaign's longterm viability in the minds of the voters and possibly sway voters to the MSM's annointed one - Barak Hussein Obama.

  3. Not the answer I had in mind caled and calunp. But you both tried hard and should feel very good about your answers.

  4. Maybe it's to keep the common man out of the fray?

  5. Answer: Because liberals are raising more money.

  6. Ah yes.

    So obvious.

    Shame on me.

  7. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I was cynical when this process began sooooo far in advance of the election, but for me this may be the first time I actually like both partys' candidates (vs. often not liking either). That for me has overshadowed any awareness of the obscene amount spent by the campaigns. It will be interesting to watch whether they opt to accept government matching funds, and if/when they don't how they explain it jives with their principles.

  8. Caled and Calunp are exactly right. As long as they are not taking my coin or liberty, I really don't care.
