Saturday, March 08, 2008

Spending Alternatives

It is a good idea to consider alternative uses of the money extracted from taxpayers. For example, many on the left will be able to tell you how many people we could have insured had we not spent the money in Iraq. But these same folks will seldom apply this kind of thinking to Unified's financial woes. What did Unified spend the money on that could have been used to maintain their buildings? Why does Unified have poorly maintained buildings while private schools are able to maintain their buildings with much less money?

If we start to ask these kind of questions, we will realize that Unified is a poor steward of our collective contributions, and that maybe it would be unwise to provide more money for them to squander. I mean really, we could be spending that money on a new rain garden or a public windmill.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Tell you what - if RUSD gets an outside accountant, shows me (us) a budget for exactly what will be done with the money, signs a CONTRACT that NO deviations from that budget will take place, and the accountant keeps track of everything and shows me (us) what has been done with every penny at the end, I would be happy to vote "yes" on the referendum. In fact, they can up it another hundred grand to pay for the accountant. This would provide the public demonstrative proof that RUSD has changed its ways and wants to be a good steward of our children through use of our money.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Or we can continue to use taxpayer funds to pay private schools to provide equally ineffective education to voucher students. Based on the recent results of the study that was just published, it is very clear that private school subsidies are ineffective to minimally effective at best in providing a good education to some students.

    Subsidizing well off private schools to provide subpar education isnt my idea of a fiscally sound decision

  3. ctw, my understanding is that the study you cite is not complete. Rather, it is the beginning of a longitudinal study. As such, its relevance will not be realized until a few years down the road.

  4. Anonymous6:53 AM

    CT, "... it is very clear that private school subsidies are ineffective to minimally effective at best in providing a good education to some students."

    1. Seems to be ambiguous, not "clear". Private schools aren't an abject failure nor are they a great success, they're somewhere in the middle with "some" students. Inclined to accept Denis' explanation as this study doen't tell us much, so far.

    2. The idea that some students using vouchers in Milwaukee private schools only get an okay education hardly seems a compelling argument to increase funding for RUSD.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    As i've stated in previous posts on this blog, all educational options should be scrutinized, especially when they recieve public subsidies. This includes private schools that republicans tend to treat so warm and fuzzy, not just public schools.

    Republicans tend to look the other way when potential issues arise in their own back yard.

  6. "Republicans tend to look the other way when potential issues arise in their own back yard."

    This is a Republican characterstic now?

    Har-har-har-har.... ermm.

  7. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I bet you wish you had payed attention in school, Denis then you wouldn't have to run a fake import shop and write on a right-wing crying club in your spare time. You just hate public schools because you know that if people are educated, they will have views so different from your own.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM


    Take this link, Denis.

  9. Anonymous4:48 PM


  10. Anonymous4:48 PM

    this one

  11. Anonymous4:49 PM


  12. OMG Tom!

    (In case you didn't know "Tom", "OMG" is text message speak for "Oh My God!")

    Bet you wish you went to a private school, huh "Tom"?

    You did go to school, right "Tom"?

    Let me help you out "Tom".

    I'm sure this is what you so desperately wanted to share "Tom".

    Click here to go to "Tom's" not even slightly amusing lefty comic.

    The irony between your posts and this particular comic is absolutely beautiful, "Tom".

    Thank you for being the entertainment this evening, "Tom".

  13. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "Tom" is the name of the artist of this comic, not me. Your amusing idiocies have been enough entertainment for anyone on this blog.

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    This comic illustrates exactly what is happening on this blog, and all of you know it.

  15. "Tom" is the name of the artist of this comic, not me.

    Tom may very well be the name of the author of the comic.

    He must have a user account on your PC as well, "Tom".


    You must be confusing me with someone of your caliber of education.

    My idiocies? Go back and read your posts in this thread. Especially the one at 4:35...
    and 4:47...
    and 4:48...
    and (again) at 4:48...
    and 4:49...
    and 8:33 was a nice try, but really "Tom", it is you who are the idiot.

    The nice thing about when people post anonymously "Tom", is that they can't go back and delete their foolishness once it has been posted.

    Anyway, you should be thanking me "Tom" for posting the link that was giving you so much trouble.

    You're welcome.

    By the way "Tom", I thought you told us (not too long ago) that you weren't coming back to this blog? What gives? If this is such a right-wing crying club then why do you gravitate to it so?

  16. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Again, Denis, you pick out a hot button issue for Racine dwellers, and phrase the question in a polemic fashion.
    Catholic schools pay teachers, custodial staff, and others, far less than public schools, with little or no benefits. So, what you actually seem to want, is lower wages for everyone. I guess you want to pay a 25 year teacher $25,000.00 and a piddling Milwaukee archdiocese pension.

    That is such a 'right' thing to do.
