Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Students Expelled

It has come to my attention that two students were expelled recently from a local private school for stealing a test from a teacher.

No doubt this is a very sad and difficult time for these children and their parents, but I am going to look at this from the bright side.

For the expelled students, they are learning a painful and necessary lesson. There are consequences for criminal behavior. You will not always get a second chance.

For the rest of the students, there is also a lesson. You are expendable. Bad behavior will not be tolerated. An education in a private school in not a right. You are expected to behave properly and respectfully and if you don't, we will replace you will someone else.

Isn't that a bit like real life?


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    It's what real life SHOULD be...

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Of course it is not like real life.
    Look at our DUI laws, or lack thereof.
    Or our home mortgage situation.
    Who are you trying to kid - yourself?

  3. OK fine, maybe Chris is right on this one.

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    If it's the school I suspect it is their parents must not be on the "do not mess with" list.
