Thursday, January 15, 2009

Inauguration Indoctrination

According to a Journal Sentinel article, MPS School Board president Peter Blewett has called for a special meeting in order to encourage MPS schools to

"suspend the use of its normal curriculum and encourage teachers to develop appropriate lessons focused on presidential inauguration activities.... Milwaukee Public Schools should instill in its students a keen awareness of the presidential inauguration as a sign of continuity or the peaceful transfer of power in our democracy and encourage active participation of schools in emphasizing the importance and historical significance of the Inauguration."

Sounds great, but I don't recall a similar effort to urge students to participate in the peaceful transition of power from Bill Clinton to George Bush.

I wonder what it is about this particular inauguration that captures the fancy of Peter Blewett.


  1. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Barack Obama is our nation's first black President. Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, January 20th, 2009, will be a milestone in American history.

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Michael - did you take an AP level course that taught you how to miss the point this badly?

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Heh... The peaceful transition of power from Bill Clinton to George Bush would have been a GREAT lesson for the kiddies! They should have been forced to count the hanging chads prior to the Supreme Court decision! :D

    Seriously, though, I agree with you. I mean, sure, do something to commemorate the occasion in a civics class or something, but come on... Not just this election. Learning about government and how it works, and how it often doesn't (!) is something that should part of every U.S. kid's education. Of course, I'd be happy if they would learn to read and maybe do a little math, but what do I know?


  4. anon - Yes, I see the point that Denis is trying to make here, that the school's are full of liberals and they are "indoctrinating" our children. I just disagree.

  5. C'mon MG, do you really think that there was the same level of enthusiasm, among teachers, for GW's inaugurations as there is for BO's? If the answer to that question is no, then what accounts for the differing levels of enthusiasm? I will anticipate your answer, that the enthusiasm is because of the historic first of electing a black man. So here is a thought experiment for you MG, what would the enthusiasm level have been for the election of a black conservative?

  6. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Michael - I'm glad that you disagree rather than miss the point. I agree that it is a milestone too but it isn't all good, or very much good actually.

  7. As Martin Luther King Day draws near, I think it would be a great idea uphold the idea not of an America demarcated among lines of race, ethnicity, or other superficial taxonomy.

    Like Dr. King once said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Dr. King wanted a colorblind society, not one divided. Yes, Obama is “black” but that only means he produces more melanin than me. Do we really want to judge “milestones” by the hue of their epidermis rather than thoughts, ideas, and qualities? Michael, would you like to be remembered as Caucasian, or what you actually did in your life and have control over?

    I don’t recognize it a “milestone” that someone with slightly darker skin now has executive power, prestige and privilege. He is a politician that, if the 43 presidents before him insinuate his intentions, will expand executive power. What would be a great “change” and “milestone” would be a president that reversed this trend in presidential authority, cut taxes, and curtail spending. That would certainly give me “hope.”

    P.S. I got into Madison everybody!

  8. Congrats Sam, teach those lib professors a thing or two while your there.

  9. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Congratulations smallgovsam! What wil you be studying?

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    It is a milestone, kids. As much I don't like it, ours is not a colorblind society. I know racist people, sorry to say. And when the first female is elected POTUS, that will also be a milestone. If a non-wealthy and/or not-connected to special-interests person ever gets elected Prez, THAT will truly be a milestone!

    But, celebrating "the peaceful transition to power" is silly. What, they expected riots? Please...

