Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where are the Protesters?

Does anyone protest against the war in Iraq anymore? There used to be weekly protests here in Racine, letters to the editor etc... but not any more. Did something change? Is the war over? Did we win? If anyone can fill me in on what happened in Iraq, I would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Bush won the war. Obama is trying to steal the credit as he allow Iran to get nukes and a way to get them to the USA.
    Just hope that the Justice/Peace folks can see the pretty flash

  2. Bush won! Remember "Mission Accomplished" banner, Remember the big "we won" ceremony on the battleship a few years back?

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Pres Obama "inherited it".

    That will likely be his excuse for everything.

    since he inherited it, there's no need for protests, because it's not his fault, and not his responsibility {sarcasm on}.

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Who knows? Perhaps since Obama is planning on pulling troops out soon people don't feel the need to protest? This is only a guess on my part...


  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Another way to look at it is that the protests were pure politics; that the war and waterboarding were merely tools used to fire up liberals and win the election.

  6. Sounds like Rich has it about right. I would have liked to see the word hypocrisy somewhere in his explanation but it could be implied.

  7. Anonymous4:37 AM

    A year + is soon?

  8. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Like I said, colt, it was just a guess. Perhaps you guys are right and it was all political propaganda from the get go. I have strong doubts on that, but you are entitled to your opinions.


  9. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "...all political propaganda from the get go. I have strong doubts on that..."

    I have doubts too. I'm sure there are no absolutes in this world, so to say that it was ALL negative propaganda is wrong. Because I'm sure that there were and are some sincere protestors. My point is that they were used/played in order to win the election.
