Saturday, April 18, 2009

Downward Spirals

I was listening to a pro-KRM/RTA radio program the other day on WRJN. One of the interviewees argued that local transit is in a downward spiral. Costs have gone up and local revenue is down. This is followed by service cuts and fare increases, which results in fewer riders and less revenue, which is followed by service cuts and fare increases etc...

OK, if liberals can understand this spiral, why can't they understand the tax increase spiral. Government takes our money to provide services that we don't need. Because they take so much, we have little left to spend or invest. With less investment, we have less growth, less jobs and more "need" for government "help". So government comes to the rescue, taking more and more from the productive and rediricting the money to the people in need. The productive become less so, tthey either create less wealth to tax or they get frustrated with diminishing opportunity and they leave for a friendlier economic climate. Meanwhile, word gets out that Racine government will take care of your needs. More needy people show up. More productive people head out, less tax revenue is generated etc...

I agree that there is a downward spiral with respect to transit. I think it reflects the fact that the vast majority of people don't want it. But there is also a downward spiral in Racine with respect to taxes. Why don't liberals seem to understand the downward spiral caused by high taxes?


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    "Racine Economic Development Corporation" - our "corporation" is funded from the taxes we collect from taxpayers and profit generators. Our business is to "promote" other businesses and the Racine area. We are funded whether or not anyone else makes money, our decisions are not open to debate and the media will report our successes if we ever have any. All of our personnel, from the big bosses to the consultants to the corridor business development grand pooobah experts, get paid no matter what, and our entertainment and travel bills, well they get paid too. You the ignorant public only wish you could be part of a corporation like this!

  2. Let me show you how dumb Racine Economic Development Corporation is in May just 65 miles away, Windpower 09 will be held the worlds largest Wind event in the world.
    To the best of my understanding RCEDC has no plans to attend.
    This would be a great place to have a showing of how great Racine County would be to do business.
    With Wisconsin going to invest perhaps Billions in Wind power be a no brainier.
    Must be because of all the art types moving to the Uptown Racine
    area or maybe because RCEDC can give out any no bid contacts.
    Of course the group the New North will be at Wind Power 09 bringing yet more good jobs to Northern Wisconsin.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    There's plenty of us who are not liberals that disagree with you on this.

  4. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Please discuss why you disagree - I would like to hear your thoughts.

  5. Anon 10:24 I think you are wrong. People to the right of liberals do understand the death spiral caused by high taxation. That understanding is one of the reasons that they are not liberals.

  6. "That understanding is one of the reasons that they are not liberals."

    If the Constitution said to take care of everybody, I'd be 100% liberal.
