Saturday, April 11, 2009

Turner vs Dickert

What is the difference between Democrat John Dickert and Democrat Robert Turner?

The most obvious difference is that Dickert is white and Turner black. And based on the election returns from the primary, it sure seems as though Dickert won the white vote while Turner won the black vote.

But besides race, what separates these two in the minds of voters?

I don't know, but I will suggest some possibilities and I hope others will chime in with their ideas.

Turner has held elected office for a long time. This can be an asset or a liability depending on what he did or didn't do in office. My guess is that Turner has done some things for some constituents or he wouldn't keep getting reelected. But who are they and what has he done for them? One vague clue is the rumor that unions will be plowing a sizeable amount of cash into the Turner campaign.

As for John Dickert. First, full diclosure. I have known John since grade school. I like John Dickert personally and so far as I am aware he is a good and decent person. My issues with Dickert are purely ideological, as they would be with Turner. Dickert has embraced just about every big government and big private sector scheme mentioned in Racine over the past few decades. Examples: Imaginarium, KRM, Point Blue, and some may recall the effort to turn the YMCA into a college for animation that would produce 20,000 jobs with a trillion dollar economic impact etc... OK, lets just say that Dickert can get caught up in grandiose schemes to save Racine. On the plus side for me at least, Dickert has had to earn some of his keep in business so he is not reflexively anti-business like so many on the left.

If I could, I would vote for John Dickert. And then I would hope that he would fail to grow the size of government.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I remember during their previous contest Dickert came to my door, asking for my vote. I told him as a conservative, I don't usually vote democrat. He told me that he and Turner were the only two in the race, and "he's MUCH more liberal than I am!"

    -sigh- I suppose it's another "lesser of two liberals" decision.

  2. Voting for Turner:
    1) Has done everything he has said he would do for me.
    2) You can walk up and talk to Bob when you see him on the street
    3) If you disagree with him on an issues he and staff will give you the time of day
    4) Have major issues Dickert supporters especially an EX RPD office who I believe attempted to intimidate Mrs Colt and I over issues in this area that affected him. Note that tactic does not work very well we tend to document and report those things to RPD.
    5) I fully believe that Dickert would put the West Racine Project in over the objections of the neighborhood. In that I see him as no better then Becker.
    6) I see him as a developer ending programs like UNIT the only tool some neighborhoods have to fight slumlords
    7) The only question I have is that the best person In Racine backs Dickert and I think it's hard to Trick Monty Osterman

    Unless something unique happens I plan to vote for Turner

    Note my Kin split between Karis and Halding

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Dickert doesn't have a clue in regards to sustainable development.
    He does know how to spend grant money and TIF money, ie. River Bend Lofts, and throwing money at various non-profits that continually waste the taxpayer's money, and puts hopeful homeowners in financial trouble by selling them the overpriced housing built or rehabbed by the clueless non-profit housing agencies, in areas that will never support or have a chance of being valued at the sold price. Basically government subsidized fraud. Best person in Racine? Try CCAP, it may change your mind.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Colt... can you name one piece of legislation that Turner has authored that has helped his constituents?

    I can't.

    Isn't this his job?

  5. Anonymous- Your right CCAP can help you make your decision. According to CCAP, Robert Turner has been sued a bunch of times. John Dickert not once. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Anonymous7:37 AM

    That means little. You can sue anyone for anything. I could and should sue my neighbors for not voting

  7. Anonymous4:39 PM

    John, I was not refering to John Dickert, read Colt's post, item 7.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    John, Disregard my last post, at 4:39,(although it was actually posted at 6:39). The misinformation you are posting in regards to Robert Turner "According to CCAP, Robert Turner has been sued a bunch of times." is completely incorrect and possibly slanderous. You need to get your facts straight before accusing a person. The Robert Turner(s) you are refering to are NOT the Robert Turner running for Mayor.

    Denis, In fairness to your readers and the City of Racine, you need to address this false accusation

  9. Anon, yes, I will address this situation. WARNING! WARNING! Free Racine readers take note! Sometimes anonymous people will post complete bullshit on the internet. Do not assume that everything written by anonymous bloggers is true!

  10. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Denis, I wish you and your candidate good luck. I offered points for discussion, not attack.
    Talk about Bullshit. You are right (it's your blog) I am wrong.

  11. Sorry anon. I can see how that came across as an attack. Really I was just having fun. I doubt anyone really puts too much stock in what anonymous bloggers are saying. On the other hand, I would agree that it is not very nice to suggest that Bob Turner the candidate is getting sued when it is actually another Bob Turner. But I think you got your point accross to FR readers. By the way, my candidate lost in the primary.

  12. This will be the nastiest race in Racine history.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Denis, I understand being skeptical about anonymous comments. In today's JT, a commentary about 'dot-commentors' on the Opinion page had an interesting quote by Oscar Wilde, "Man is least in himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

  14. Ooops, sorry about that guys, I misread what one of the Anonymous commenters said and went to check it out for myself.

    For the record, I think 3 is a bunch.

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    John 11:19, I have searched again and did not find anything other than an improper turn signal violation, maybe I'm just a bit slow, can you copy the 3 lawsuits you are refering to? Or give some insight to you claim?

  16. Craig8:03 AM

    With Harding in the race for Mayor, it assures one thing. Big Bob Turner as mayor!

    Thanks for the help.

  17. Downtowner6:39 PM

    Actually Craig..."With Harding in the Race", it ensures that the Voters can choose something else. Let the 2 Guys duke it out. Jody Stands for Control of Spending perhaps even a spending freeze in City Hall. Looking at other options to the KRM, (Like yesterday's announcement that Obama wants to Create HIGH SPEED RAIL for Chicago to Milwaukee, It would make KRM instantly obsolete! Jody could Save SE Wisconsin 300 Million Dollars!!! Plus 10's of Million a year in operating costs. But Turner and Dickert both support it. Focus our efforts on Spending, Crime, and making Racine the most Business friendly City in the Mid-West! Higher taxes won't get you there more businesses.

    I hope you will all join me and WRITE IN JODY"S name on May 5th!

    If you don't live in Racine..tell you friends to go do it! Racine had an extremely pathetic number of voters show up in the primary, Jody could win with just a few thousand votes!

  18. Anonymous5:38 AM

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  19. Anonymous1:29 PM

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  20. Anonymous4:49 PM

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  21. Anonymous3:41 PM

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  22. Anonymous11:41 PM

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  23. Anonymous7:47 PM

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  24. Anonymous5:42 PM

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  25. Anonymous11:37 PM

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  26. Anonymous11:39 PM

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  27. Anonymous4:04 PM

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