Sunday, May 17, 2009

LiberTEA Racine Launched, Attacked

LiberTEA Racine, a group of local citizens forming to protect and recover our liberties, has launched a blog, A web site will soon follow.

Pete at the Racine Post, a great reporter known the world over for his objectivity, has the story at

Note that Pete, in the first line of his story, uses a crude sexual reference in describing our group. Later he desribed the launch as a manifesto, a word normally reserved for Karl Marx or wackjobs like the unibomber. Pete later backed down a tad, saying he was quoting from the blog - an obvious false statement by the way - and you can check that out yourself if you like by reading the blog.

The launch of the LiberTEA Racine blog led to immediate attacks in the comments on the Racine Post. Those who oppose liberty are a potent force in Racine and they will obviously attempt to portray us in the most negative light possible.

We need to prove them wrong and stay true to our mission of protecting and recovering liberties with an issue oriented local focus and with non-partisan, active and responsible civic involvement.

Let our opponents be the naysayers who will need to explain why they are opposed to liberty.


  1. "The launch of the LiberTEA Racine blog led to immediate attacks in the comments on the Racine Post"

    They fear what they can not control. They fear what in fact will take their power away.
    Pete at The Post should understand that if the Post becomes another J-T
    The Post will go the same way. Sometimes I wounder if Dustan was not at The Post if we would have had the stories on Point Blue or the scam of J-W/Becker

  2. Some think we should have a ruling class. The progressive is always thus.
