Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dickert Sighting Update

Not exactly earth shattering news here but in a follow up to a previous post it now turns out that Mayor Dickert did visit my store last week. And what's more, I was in the store at the time. I was in my office but the mayor opted not to have my employee call me from my office. Perhaps he thought I was working and didn't want to interrupt. Or perhaps he had another reason for visiting besides talking to me. I have no idea. All I know is that I have been hoping to meet with him about ideas for improving the city but have had no luck.


  1. Does it not count that he stopped in?

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

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  3. Do you always mix every single thing that a person does or thinks in your decision about whether you will tolerate any deviations from YOUR opinion?? How very "Tolerate!".

    But I also saw the Mayor Last night, said hello, but then I'm not the center of the world, (I guess).

    So Anon 1:49...Do you have anything to add to the conversation? BTW I buy products from lots of people I disagree with.

  4. D.B

    IMHO you should quit doing that.

  5. Colt, not really. Would it count as a visit to Colts house if I went up the door but didn't ring the doorbell?

  6. I stand corrected.

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

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  8. To foul mouthed anon, I don't use this site to promote my business. I'll be damned if I am going to allow you to use it to trash my business. If that makes me a prick, so be it.

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

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  10. Prefers Coffee1:49 PM

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  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Prefers coffee, it is a good idea for you to keep walking past the store - they don't sell butt plugs in there -

  12. So those of us who follow, and respect the Rights & responsibilities, and power separations of the US Constitution..are "Flying a Freak Flag"... Wow, That was what I thought Tolerance "Hope & Change" were about.
