Thursday, July 16, 2009

Equality Extremism on the Left

I have been arguing a bit with Kay and her pals over at Kay's Blue Racine. Initially I took Kay to task for insinuating that Van Wanggaard is a white supremicist because he used the Norwegian word for "welcome" on his campaign web site. Anyway, the discussion gradually came around to campaign financing and of course they all want public campaigns. But if you are going to level the money/financial support aspect of campaigns, why stop there? Make a law ensuring that each campaign gets an equal number of public campaign workers, working equal numbers of hours on identical campaign strategies. Of course, to be fair we need equal amounts of positive and negative press stories. There goes freedom of the press. But if we really want fairness, we need to ensure that each candidate gets equal numbers of votes...

But doesn't all this equality undermine the whole point of elections, which are contests to detirmine the inequality of support between prospective candidates?


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    your first issue was trying to argue with someone as mentally unbalanced as Kay.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    your first issue was trying to argue with someone as mentally unbalanced as Kay.

    Kay also put forth that Van was behind the 4th of July Banners. An outright lie, Van had nothing to do with it. That won't stop her and her hate squad though.

  3. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The trick is to limit yourself and your opponent to public campaign money, make arrangements to collect lots of private money, then accept the private money when your opponent can't possibly catch up.
