Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Facts Be Damned

The JT weighs in on the Harvard professor/Cambridge cop flap today. You can read it here.

After some common sense suggestions such as "know the facts" and "words have consequences" the JT shifted gears and wrote "Did Gates react strongly because he thought he was being targeted, was just another black man denied simple respect in a nation with a history of poor race relations, especially where police are concerned? Had the police officer already seen enough obnoxious citizens that day, and was he running low on patience, even though he appears to otherwise be an exemplar of good race relations?"

So after lecturing the president regarding the facts, the JT then enters pure speculation mode. Notice the speculation involves putting the professor in the best possible light, that he "was just another black man denied simple respect etc..." Are there any facts to support this? No, the known facts suggest otherwise.

And again, the JT speculates about the cop, a good guy that was having a bad day and lost his patience. Notice that this puts the cop in a poor light on the day in question. Is there any evidence to support this? No.

The JT concludes with "perhaps this will become the genesis for an honest re-examination of police race relations instead of a recitation of old stereotypes."

Right. The JT, in contradiction of the known facts, makes up a scenerio that includes the old stereotype of the cop having a bad day and taking it out on the oppressed minority. And then they have the nerve to call for a re-examination of old stereotypes.


  1. "And then they have the nerve to call for a re-examination of old stereotypes."

    I re-examination the J-T still sucks

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    ..."And again, the JT speculates about the cop, a good guy that was having a bad day and lost his patience"...

    and how/why does one assume that the cop is a "good guy"?

    Also, because said officer was "good guy" it's okay for him to lose his patience but not so for said bad minority?

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    cop loses patience, he receives accolades and pat on the back for a job "well done"

    black man loses patience, he gets arrested, and harassed.
