Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Action Alert

Sometimes our problems are so big (wars, health care, recessions etc...) and the deciders so far removed from our lives that it seems that their is little if anything we can do.

This is one reason I am attracted to local issues. You might know the players involved, you can call your alderman and there is a good chance he will return your call, you can speak before the city council etc... In other words, you can have an impact.

On Monday August 10th, you can can do something. A wonderful family from Barrington Illinois want to relocate to Racine to open a convenient store on 6th street in downtown Racine. They will be unable to open the store without approval from the city to sell prepackaged beer. They will be before the licensing committee at city hall at 5 pm on Monday August 10th and they need support from everyday people in the Racine area.

There will be opposition. Certainly there is a correlation between excessive alcohol consumption and various social ills. In downtown Racine on any given weekend there are serious problems that require frequent police intervention. So there is a fair amount of pressure on public officials to curb the sale of alcohol in Racine.

On the other hand, any honest observer of downtown alcohol fueled problems will realize that the problems are coming from the bars, not the few establishments that sell prepackaged beer. In the last few years downtown has lost the Century Market and Brauns liquors, neither of which contributed to any problems downtown.

So the gist of the problem here is that future sellers of packaged alcohol, like the Chun family from Illinois, may now have to pay the price for the problems created by current irresponsible bar owners and patrons. This would be most unfair and I dare say unAmerican insofar as decent upstanding citizens will be barred from starting their own business here in Racine. And we do need new businesses in Racine.

I know, this is a small matter that barely affects you or me. But there is an important principle at stake, namely that law abiding citizens ought to be able to open a business and sell a legal product.

You may have no ability whatsoever to affect the health care debate or influence policy in Iraq, but you could help a decent hard working family relocate and invest in Racine. A few words of support for the Chun family on Monday August 10th, 5 pm at city hall will go a long way.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

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  2. 1) 11:24 should sober up
    2) I understand there are two businesses looking to get the license for restaurants in the downtown area. Will they get told no? I do not think so and the Chan's (sp?) can not get a carry out?
    That is BS

    I will be there

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM

    They can open a store without an alcohol license. They choose not to.

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Wonderful family or not, the City Council has way too much power.
    Our freedoms have been so curtailed by the nanny state (all the way down to city councils) that we can't even imagine liqour stores, tatoo parlors, porn stores, gun shops, etc. being able to locate anywhere they wish.
    Have we allowed this because we are so weak we can't protect ourselves and our children?

  5. Colt, see you there.

    Anon 5:41, true, but how many convenient stores do you see that don't sell beer? I don't know of any, which leads me to believe that beer sales are an necessary element of convenient stores. So in effect, denial of a beer license kills the opportunity. I am wondering anon, do you oppose the license for some reason? Please explain if so.

    Anon 6:06, I agree. I hope you will be able to take a few minutes next Monday to help the Chuns. Perhaps the city will begin to absorb a larger message, that there is actually opposition out there to our local nanny state.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

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  7. Anonymous11:20 AM

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  8. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Anon 11:24, I visit friends downtown who own businesses and have had a friendly beer with them. I see no problem with it. They didn't SELL it to me, so they don't need a license. I suppose you think that if they offered me a cup of coffee they would need a restaurant license for that. Grow up.

  9. Anonymous5:15 AM

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  10. The issue here is whether the Chun's should get a beer license. Anyone wishing to have a conversation about First Fridays or my store are free to start there own blog.

  11. Anonymous6:41 AM

    There is a convenient store on 16 Villa that does not sell alcohol.

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    hmmm a bit of censorship going on here? Something said you didn't like?
    I chose not to do business in Racine because of these issues. Seems the city changes the rules at will.

  13. Urban Pioneer9:24 AM

    Anon 6:41.
    Do you think the 16 & Villa Conv Store would be more profitable if it sold Beer and Alcohol? Would the additional profits improve the look and the atmosphere of the store? Had the Conv. store you refer to had the availability for years to sell it could be the grocery store that we all wish was here already. i don't know if the Chun's will grow into the Full fledged Grocery ever. but If they can have a chance to start their business you never know.

  14. Anonymous8:44 AM

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  15. To the best of my knowledge anon, giving away wine to customers of legal drinking age is not illegal. If you think it is illegal and it upsets you so, I suggest you file a formal complaint with the states attorney or whatever governing body overseas such matters. But I won't allow you to continue to pollute my site with irrelevant and/or derogatory commentary about my business. If you think that deleting your pointless comments is an infringement on your right to free speech, by all means sue me.

  16. Anonymous8:54 AM

    It would be nice to see such optimism as U.P. expresses
    for all of racine's fledgling businesses, not just certain ones
    owned & operated by certain people.

  17. Anonymous5:48 PM

    If we lose this round there two art shops that I will boycott and ask others to do the same.

  18. Please boycott any of the stores who's owners spoke out about the chin's.
    I fully belive that IMHO that if another group would have wanted that stote it would have passed.
    I am further ashamed that the fact of the trash/drunks etc is caused by the bars in the downtown that was nicely overlooked.

  19. Downtown Brown10:34 PM

    It was great to see many supporters tonight the Pro faction outpaced the Anti by 5 to one..with the addition of the 61 additional folks who signed the petition of support the number was nearly 15 to one in favor. But our wise Council Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Wisneski, and Mr McCarthy are far wiser than us Rubes who live, work and play in the area in question. WE offered our financial support to people who want to move to, and invest in our city.

    Now lets see does the new business add to or subtract from the City's revenue? Since we don't have the $$$ we seem to need more businesses or people to collect money from right? like the Chun's and all of the people they might hire. the people who may move to the downtown area because now they have a small pantry to buy items from?

  20. Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Wisneski, and Mr McCarthy should be put on notice that no NEW lic for anyone in the Downtown area should be approved.
    We heard how fragile the area is and how much trouble drunks were the last thing we need are more drunks. AS well I think the the DRC Beer tent should be stopped since that helps folks become drunks at that end of 6th st.
