Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Joke

President Obama has won the Nobel Peace prize this morning, leaving many to wonder what he has done to merit winning the award. Perhaps putting a stop to Chicago's aggressive campaign for the Olympics?


  1. Well, here's a statement from the Norwegian Committee.

    IF this is the criteria, then this blog post can easily debate the merits of Mr. Obama against that criteria.

    Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said their choice could be seen as an early vote of confidence in Obama intended to build global support for his policies. They lauded the change in global mood wrought by Obama's calls for peace and cooperation, and praised his pledges to reduce the world stock of nuclear arms, ease American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthen the U.S. role in combating climate change.

  2. When Mr. Obama steps up to the microphone in Oslo to accept, only one thought will be going through my mind,"Where's Kanye West when you REALLY need him?"

  3. Now THAT'S funny... I don't care who you are...


  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Winning a prize for which Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin have been nominated is really pretty telling, isn't it?

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The Nobel committee has been irrelevant for a long time ... just another feel-good group of socialist/humanist/pacifists with knee-jerk support of all things totalitarian. Al Gore? Yasser Arafat? ... give me a break !

  6. Anonymous1:26 PM


  7. Judge Mental5:12 PM

    I can't wait to hear what the teleprompter tells him what to say in his acceptance speech.

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    As others have said this cheapens an all ready cheep, politically based award.
    Obama would have done much better to say thanks but no thanks.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee should win the Darwin award for stupidly killing off what little respect the Nobel had remaining.
