Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Catastrophic Loss of Crisis

The elites of the world had many people convinced that man made global warming threatened our very existence. Now we know that these claims were (are?) based on manipulated raw data that has been destroyed, and that the earth hasn't been warming for the last decade, we should all be really happy, right? Why aren't there huge celebrations? Why is the media so disinterested, as though a WORLD NOT ENDING AFTER ALL headline wouldn't sell?

Perhaps I am just a cynic, but I get the feeling many people are going to miss the global warming crisis. Indeed, the loss of this crisis will be catastrophic for some.


  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Tues WSJ had an article about the $$$ that are involved in the GW scheme.
    Indeed the reduction of these $$ will be significant to some groups.

  2. Where did you see this? Is there a link to an article somewhere or is that what O'Reilly told you today?

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I looked through yesterday's WSJ and it looks like Michael Mann, as one of the email coven, is being investigated by Penn State. He uis tenured but if he is found guilty of scientific misconduct he will have to become a fulltime, highly-paid consultant to the UN.

    What the average global citizen, who is unaware of things like the scientific method, doesn't know is that EVERY publication that came from the data that is now "lost" needs to be retracted. In fact, if any papers reference those papers in more than the "Introduction" section, they need to be pulled too. People's careers are ended - and pharmaceutical companies fined or shut down - over less than this.

  4. "But wait!", the AGW acolytes chant,"This is just one data set (though the main one) that turns out to be invalid. NASA keeps its own records and that data set is just fine and shows AGW!"



    Looks like it's time for the AGW followers to find a new cult.

  5. Michael, there's a good summary here:


    and it's in song!

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Thanks for that link Nemo! If you go almost to the end of that article, Mann has issued a statement saying that "these were comments by scientists that have all been taken out of context" and "this was all timed to hurt the global wearming meetings". Talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar and arguing that there is no cookie jar -

  7. Michael, Google climategate.

  8. Anonymous8:52 PM


  9. Anonymous9:04 PM


    thought it was worth posting twice.... any thoughts?
