Tuesday, December 29, 2009

For the Children?

Suppose children were wise enough to advocate on their own behalf regarding their education. What would they want?

Good teachers - not limited to those with education degrees? Check.

A range of educational options not limited to public schooling? Check.

An efficient means of getting rid of underperforming teachers and administrators? Check.

Conversely, what would these children consider detrimental and or irrelvant to their education?

Tenure? Check.

Protecting any school or school system from competition? Check.

Efforts to limit educational options? Check.

Is there a greater threat to children and their education than the agenda of our nation's teachers unions and their servants in government?


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    ...Is there a greater threat...

    Yes, parents and a citizenry who are too lazy to "Just say NO."

  2. Anon, I agree with you to a point. But I think that there are many citizens who are aware of the problems but lack the power to overcome them, and many parants likewise aware of the problems but who lack the means for private schooling or the time/expertise for home schooling. And finally, now that we have generations of Americans having accepted the notion that government is responsible for their childrens education, we have become incrementally less responsible as a result. That last point is merely an explanation/elaboration on your post.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    We have the power to say no to the upcoming referendum(s).
    We have the means to go to parent/teacher conferences.
    We have the power & the means to go to school board meetings.
    We can support Caledonia in their school campaign.
    We can take a more active role in our children's upbrining, homework, sports activities,etc.
    It all starts in the home, but not in front of tv.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    We have the power to say no to referendums - we do not have the power to overcome the numbers of teachers, administrators and "like-minded" parents who will say yes to referendums. We have the means to go to school board meetings - we do not have the means to prevent decisions to have already been made by the school board prior to those meetings. Parents can take a more active role in our childrens' lives - we cannot make other parents take a more active role in their childrens' lives.
