Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Joke of the Day

A debate on stem cell research at Kay's Blue Racine included the following exchange:

Sean: Is a brain dead 80 year old's life as valuable as that of a vibrant 25 year old mother?

Nemo: Your 80 year old person example is strange. Is a brain dead person less of a person? Well, yes. A Brain dead person is dead. Dead people are not human...unless you count the President's "corpse-men" helping in Haiti...


  1. Watch for the big push in congress to unionize un-dead government workers. After all, aren't they entitled to a un-living wage?

  2. It's amazing the money and effort we "living" humans put into prolonging the "life" of "not alive" humans (ie, premature / developing babies, the comatose/brain-dead).

    If they aren't "alive", why do we need to invest the money, effort, medical expertise, etc?

  3. note-tongue-in-cheekness plz...

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I recall Hillary stating back in 1994 that "no one with potential for quality of life will be denied coverage". Keep in mind taht a Kennedy with Alzheimer's and in a coma will have more "potential for quality of life" than you or I with a broken finger.

  5. Curious....

    Does a premature baby delivered via C-Section due to a threat to it's health have the same "potential for quality of life" as a healthy baby at the same developmental stage still in the mother's womb?

  6. BradK, which baby is the Kennedy?
