Friday, March 05, 2010

Flipping Crazy

Does Mayor Dickert really think the city will succeed in flipping houses, in dicey neighborhoods, with union labor, in a crummy housing market, while selling to first time homeowners? On what basis? Certainly not past performance by the city.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This is all about him trying to buy off the unions, who aggressively campaigned for Turner and who are not happy with his actions as mayor so far.

  2. Perhaps so anon. If buying houses, rehabbing them and selling them is such a good idea, maybe the unions should use their own money and their own labor. Then of course they could keep the profits. Of course this will be a big money loser, so let's use other people's money.

  3. George12:12 PM

    I'm curious to know...are you going to be supporting any of the Republicans running for office in Racine County this fall? Please let me know.


  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    No, Denis is not going to be supporting anyone because they are all corrupt.

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Dickert will not give the work to unions. It's a Dickert scam.

  6. George, my tendency is to support ideas rather than people. That way, I can freely agree with a Dem idea if need be or disagree with a Repub's idea. This is not a hard and fast rule for myself, so perhaps I will support a candidate at some time. Who do you think I should support and why?

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Hi Dennis,

    It was nice to see you Saturday at the Feingold event. Interesting our mayor was the first to talk to Russ, no doubt looking for more money from Washington.

    Handout Johnny, could I have some free cheese with that stimulus money?

  8. George12:28 PM

    I did not have anyone particular in mind...just more of a curiosity. I was merely asking because you seem like someone who truly believes that citizens can effect change. I just think it would be great if someone with your energy and understanding of the issues would also be willing to "pound the pavement" for some of our local folks.

  9. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I stumbled upon this blog and find it very interesting! Keep it up! The comment I would like to make I think is a fair assesment of Mayor Dickert. He does not have the support of local unions and having them stand at his side during the press release was a complete scham. Mayor Dickert had stated that these jobs did not have to be prevailing wage thus removing union participation totally. He had gone to great length to get the trades at his side only to further seperate them from him. This Mayor in a nut shell is possible the must arrogant and ignorant we have had in 175 years!
