Monday, November 01, 2010

The Embarrassed Millions

Tomorrows election is a referendum on President Obama's progressive agenda. Millions of people who voted for Obama will now vote to stop him. It is shaping up to be a historic rebuke of a sitting president.

But where are these millions of voters who are switching sides? Why are there no news stories about them? Media bias I am sure plays a role. But there is more to it than that.

You have all heard of the Nigerian money wiring scams. You probably have gotten an e-mail or two promising you thousands of dollars if you could only help the Nigerian prince get his money to the US. But you didn't fall for it.

If you did, you might be reluctant to come forward. You wouldn't want newspapers writing stories about how you were duped.

I think a similar phenomenon is at play with many Obama supporters. They are embarrassed. They were duped. They would rather not announce that fact to the world.

But announce it they will, silently, tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    millions, including myself support our President!
    We've been duped by republican rule of repealing and rebuking any & everything that comes from the white house. Instead of rebuking & repealing, how about actually working together to find solutions?

  2. What do you mean it's a scam?? When the deposed prince of Nigeria asks for help from an oppressive regime, who am I to say no?????

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    what specific solution has any republican provided on any relevant issue? Thats the Million dollar question.

  4. Bradk, yes you can help. I am collecting cash on behalf of deposed Nigerian princes. Every little bit helps. You can drop it off at my store any time.

  5. Tell ya what, I'll trade you some of the Nigerian prince's money for some cute wares from your store. We'll name it "commerce" and build an economic system around it.

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Hey, despite what I've said, I actually went and voted! I figured at least I took care of one knucklehead: I choose Kay. Someone else is going to have to take care of Seany Cranley.

  7. Yup, an economy based on a Nigerian scam. Sounds like the perfect Bankster solution for the next GOPsponsored theft.

  8. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”


    I call sean's vote!

  9. My vote Nemo? Which one?

    (Shhh, somebody's gotta keep that massive lefty vote fraud GOPmyth alive)

    Good luck with your hopey-samey!

  10. I'll take the third and Mrs Nemo has dibs on the seventh. :)

    So sean, while I got you on the line, do you see congresswomen Tammy Baldwin's seat more secure at the cost of a doomed Ron Kind after redistricting? The news just keeps on getting better.

  11. Of course Nemo, I'm all in favor of the practice of Gerrymandering. That's how we get extremely polarized candidates from both parties and that divides our country and weakens our democracy. Which of course I approve of, being a solid member of the commo-fascociatistical, vote frauding, hate America first crowd.

  12. sean, please...your comments are much more interesting when you don't tell us something we all already know.

    Just a small note though. You might want to take "vote frauding" off the old resume. Voter ID and a reasonable tightening of absentee voting procedures might make that tough to get away with. Then again making little rocks out of big rocks sounds like a geologist's dream job.

  13. Nemo, with your knowing full well that I was joking about casting more than one vote, I assumed that you would have the decency and integrity to not accuse me of breaking the law and not to treat it as an actual admission fo guilt (it was not and I did not).

    But once again you've proved me wrong, you don't.

  14. sean, just going with your joke. We all know that southeastern Wisconsin Democrats would never actually commit voter fraud.


  15. Nemo, you and have been over this BS already on KBR and I thoroughly debunked then. Let's not get all bogged down in reality Nemo. We must keep the GOPmyth ALIVE!

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Allegations are everywhere. Convictions are few and far between.

    Just like Voter Suppression by the right.

    Next topic...

  17. sean, so can I have your third vote or not?

  18. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Nemo, you aren't qualified to ask Seany anything until you have a PhD in Existential Somnambulism from Gateway Technical College. He also holds a PhD from the Ministry of Strange Walks in their Monty Python Department.

    I must say that this election truly scares me because common sense and knowledge always emboldens stupidity. I just read that Problama has proclaimed that India actually creates jobs here.
