Thursday, January 27, 2011

Economic Miracles

Do you believe in miracles? Sue Pedersen and Gary Bahr do. In the Journal Times today Sue supports a new school funding plan wherein "every school will receive more state aid and every taxpayer will see a reduction in the school tax levy." Gary wants an 85% reduction in property taxes, financed by "eliminating unfair special interest tax exemption devices", a move that will end our deficit and allow us to reduce the sales and income tax rates.

Both seem to come from the "have your cake, eat it, AND lose weight" school of economics. But I say if we are going to repeal the rules of economics, lets really make an impact. Under my plan, everybody makes $1 million a year, prices stay the same or go down, government delivers any service we desire and we pay no taxes. Anybody on board?


  1. Count me in Denis. Could you modify your plan to include a unicorn for everyone because, hey, free unicorn.

  2. Denis, sign me up, but rather than a unicorn, I'd like government to give everyone a boat. Since we live on a great lake, I believe that's a service that should be provided.

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Just ask the govt to print another hundred trillion dollars and enact price controls on everything. Oh yes, and control that CO2.

  4. Unicorns, yes! A boat, no problem! Trillions plus price controls, you got it!

    Uh, can I count on your vote?

  5. I've seen how government works. Unicorn first, then we'll talk votes. I'd like a boat too.

  6. You don't trust me Nemo?
