Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tucson Explained

My apologies for my fixation on the Arizona tragedy, but I think I am ready to explain its political essence to my readers. It is this:

In the interest of promoting responsible civic discourse, the left is accusing conservatives of being accomplices to murder.

Ya, that'll work.


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Thank you Denis- that is EXACTLY it. And without any evidence to back it up, I might add. It's sick.

  2. Perhaps you haven't been watching the news of late. I have had a few days off so I have been getting a bit saturated. I have seen on CNN and MSCNBC numerous and lengthy discussions of the role of and connection between conservative discourse and the Arizona killings. I have also read several commentaries online. Conservatives/Republicans are not blaming liberals or liberalism for the crime. It is a one way, Dem to Repub accusationfest. And they are doing so, ironically, in the interests of promoting civil discourse, or so they say. If I am wrong, do tell me the truth anon.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I am the anonymous poster 4:19. Was your comment directed at me Denis? I was agreeing with you, so I'm assuming there was a comment that was deleted that you were responding to.

  4. My bad anon. I thought you were sarcastically saying that I didn't provide evidence and that what I wrote was sick. Again, my bad and thanks, belatedly, for the compliment.

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Yeah, rereading what I wrote, I can see how that can be taken sarcastically. I should have proofread first because I definitely agree with you!

  6. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Remember the parable of removing the plank from your own eye before removing the speck from someone else's?

    Democrats defined.

  7. Good point Fred. Only it is apparent after watching MSNBC the last few days that libs don't realize the plank is in there. It may have pierced the brain.

  8. Complicity documented, albeit perhaps not in Tucson: http://www.indypendent.org/2011/01/13/hate-and-violence-are-encoded-in-the-dna-of-the-american-right/

  9. It is remarkable, it is the valuable answer
