Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Democrats to the Rescue

Imagine if their were a taxpayers union that was part of the negotiations for state services, tax rates, and labor contracts. And that they were allowed to deduct money automatically from all the citizens of State of Wisconsin, even those who disagreed with their message and agenda. At first this union did a fair job looking out for the taxpayers, but over the years things began to change. They gradually decided to throw their weight behind only one political party, the Republicans. They gave large quantities of cash to elect Republicans such that it became obvious that you needed the support of the taxpayers union even to think about running for office. And if you ever bucked the taxpayers union in any way, you could forget about reelection. Now suppose that the leaders of the taxpayers union became so powerful and so self interested that they began to really harm the state and the citizens they purported to serve. And that over the years they had gained such influence with the media that their claims that "its for the taxpayer" were never challenged and the health of the taxpayer never really considered. And just when the state was nearing insolvency, the states citizens threw out the Republican Party and elected Democrats to step in to restore fiscal sanity. After proposing modest changes to curb the power of the taxpayers union/Republican Party and pave the way for a more responsible state apparatus, the taxpayers union started to foment unrest in the state capitol. More ominously, they decided to forgo the democratic process that had worked so well for them in the past. They ordered their pawns in the Republican Party to break the law, flee the state, and disrupt procedure in Madison, creating chaos all along.

I may have an additional chapter to this story that I hope does not include caving to the demands of the taxpayers union.


  1. On December 5, 1840 Abraham Lincoln jumped out of a second story window to prevent the Illinois House from have a quorum!


  2. If your point is you want to emulate Abraham Lincoln in that regard, go for it. Or aspire for more. Try a skyscraper.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    A very young Abraham Lincoln and his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. Guess fleeing the scene isn't the best way to legislate issues?

  4. So how long has it been since you guys were the Party of Lincoln? 20, 30 years? He would be ashamed of the GOPsters.

    “Capital is only the fruit of labor [...] Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

    –Abraham Lincoln, December 3, 1861

  5. Sean, do you have anything to say on the topic that I wrote about?

  6. "they were allowed to deduct money automatically from all the citizens of State of Wisconsin" That's a FALSE analogy.

    "it became obvious that you needed the support of the taxpayers union even to think about running for office." FALSE

    "if you ever bucked the taxpayers union in any way, you could forget about reelection." FALSE

    "the taxpayers union became so powerful and so self interested that they began to really harm the state and the citizens they purported to serve." FALSE

    "they had gained such influence with the media that their claims that "its for the taxpayer" were never challenged" FALSE

    "proposing modest changes to curb the power" FALSE

    "started to foment unrest" FALSE

    "ordered their pawns in the Republican Party to break the law" FALSE

    "creating chaos" FALSE

    Overall? FALSE
    And false = FAIL!

  7. Wow Sean, you seem eerily similar to the "FOX LIES" guy. Just writing FALSE in capitol letters tells us that you are coming unglued but doesn't really shed any light on the subject otherwise.

    Taking just one example that you claim is false: Government unions in Wisconsin are able to deduct union dues automatically from union members who, if they want the job, must either be in the union or at the very least pay the dues. At least that is my understanding and I will stand corrected if wrong.

    Can you expand on your assertion that I am wrong? Small case letters if you're able.

  8. Honestly Denis, oh strike that I forgot who I was conversing with.

    How can you possibly claim that this false analogy in your post: "they were allowed to deduct money automatically from all the citizens of State of Wisconsin" is equivalent to the revision included in your last comment as follows?:

    "Government unions in Wisconsin are able to deduct union dues automatically from union members who, if they want the job, must either be in the union or at the very least pay the dues."

    The unions DO NOT deduct money automatically from all citizens of the state. After further review the rulinig on the field stands comclusively FALSE!

  9. Sean, you are even more of a moron than I generally give you credit for. My post was fictitious. It was make believe. But it was meant to mirror what is happening on the left. For there to be a taxpayers union, it would include taxpayers, and they would deduct money from their members, ie taxpayers, just as government unions do presently. Again, I am not claiming that there is a taxpayers union that is deducting money from the accounts of taxpayers. If so, it would be an outrage, and I would welcome Democrats to clean up the mess. Sean, even you can't be this stupid. I suggest you take whatever you take to enhance concentration and reread my post. I guess this explains, partly, your non sequiturs about Abraham Lincoln.

  10. Denis said "My post was fictitious. It was make believe. But it was meant to mirror what is happening on the left."

    No kidding really!? GOSH!

    But seriously, you should look up "analogy" in the dictionary because I clearly said your analogy was FALSE, but maybe you missed that.

    You see in order for "analogies" to work, because that's what you meant just now by "mirror" (whether you realized it or not) the facts of the analogy have to generally line up with real situation your trying to mirror/analogize. Otherwise your fiction doesn't "mirror" the reality at all and there's no correlation.

    Unfortunately for you, your post was frought (that means full) of FALSE analogies right on down the line, and I listed them all one by one above.

    And 9 strikes in a row retires your side and consitutes an overall FAILURE for the entire post. It's time to hang up your cleets on this one.

  11. No such word as frought Sean. Really Sean, when you condescend you really should at least spell your claptrap correctly. I noticed you are unable to pose any challenges to my assertion that government contracts are no bid. Perhaps because it is obviously true. Taking cues from your Senate Dems and fleeing the scene, eh Sean?

  12. Sorry Zane, "fraught", my proof reader was laid off due to the Republicon Recession of 08.

    My comment response to your "no bid" question awaits you under the corresponding topic. Sorry I was't able to coordinate the time of my retort with the demands of your FR scheduling department. I had some real life matters to attend to.
