Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Da Man

Scott Walker is da man!


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    now let's see if he takes on the police and fire unions with just as much fight he put up against teachers. this is about the budget scottie, remember?

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    its a shame. Obama is expected to compromise with every republican on the planet, but Walker can just ram crap down peoples throat illegally, no compromise, no discussions no phone calls..unless your a Koch brother of course.

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "Da Man" is not going to survive "Da Recall"!

  4. When people realize that the sky is not falling, and when (not if) some Dems get unruly, Walker will be riding high when the dust settles. I doubt a recall of Walker will have much chance at all.

  5. Anonymous3:56 AM

    and thats precisely the problem, its not about walkers self-gratification of "riding high". Wisconsin voters clearly rejected his plan, hence the legislative tricks and hidden illegal meetings.

    Da Recall wont stand a chance you say, people are so alienated right now we can gey 100,000 signatures in a month!

  6. Anonymous5:19 AM

    anon - get a grip on reality. When has Obama ever compromised? Ram crap down someone's throat? 3-1/2 weeks and 60+ hours of debate is ramming? What about Doyle and the Dems passing more than a billion in tax increases 2 years ago 48 hours after the bill was presented and with NOT ONE MINUTE of public comment?

    What about Obama and the Dems in Washington passing a healthcare bill..."so everyone can find out what's in the bill?"

    That's not ramming? Oh wait, that's just the normal MO for liberals these days isn't it.

    But before you cast too much blame on Republicans, you may want to look to you Democratic friends that fled the state and left you without any representation.

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    WOW - just found out Dem Senator Lena Taylor requested an absentee ballot for the upcoming April election be sent to her in Illinois! Guess those Dems really intended to negotiate in good faith...HUH!

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    anon 3:56, If your source to validate your statement; "Wisconsin voters clearly reject his plan". comes from one of the left leaning polls you have acces to, you are going to be really disappointed.

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    should walker bust police & fire union?

  10. Anon 10:39, depends on what you mean by "bust." I think the power of police and fire unions should not exceed that of every other citizen, group, corporation, union, association etc... That is, they should be treated like every other free person, having the ability to lobby, donate, speak out etc... but that at the end of the day it must be our elected representatives that make the policies.

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Turned on Fox News this afternoon and it is amazing watching the antics of the left when the same tactics are employed against their nanny state requirements. Boo Hoo!!

    I, for one, do not require the safety net of a pitiful union to address my employment. I am fully capable of taking responsibility for my own career.

    Go Governor.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    denis, by "bust" i mean strip police and firefighters of their right to collectively bargain with the state. As it stands now they do have more power to negotiate un-capped salary increases and working conditions, unlike teacher.

  13. Wow, stripping people of their rights makes Denis full of whimsy!

  14. No Sean, strengthening a representative form of government, which in turn strengthens citizens in their struggles with special interests, fills me with whimsy.

  15. Cutting working folks pay sa say so in their work place while handing tax breaks to corporations (what walker calls "freedom") fills Denis full of Conservative Compassionatism.

  16. Anonymous3:40 AM

    "Da Recall wont stand a chance you say, people are so alienated right now we can gey 100,000 signatures in a month!"

    Right now, yes. But that doesn't do any good. You can't start collecting signatures until next January. By then, people will have run off after some other shiny object.

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Jus like Repubs will never let the election of Obama
    die, we won't let the election of walker die.
